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The flour industry provides a firstclass opportunity for you to expand your business. All the leading biscuit manufacturers and...
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Waste and Inefficiency in the Control of Municipal Passenger Transport MITE well-preened feathers of local authorities were...
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CONOMY in transport demands that the maximum tonnage of goods shall be moved by the minimum number of vehicles. This condition...
Red—Green—Red INTROSPECTION has become a habit with I passenger transport operators. Mr. L. C. Hawkins, of the London...
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N EXT . Wednesday has been .fixed as the date for the National Joint Industrial Council to hear the wages committee's...
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value of Dm. has been placed with Henry Meadows, Ltd., Wolverhampton, by Automobile Products, Ltd., of Bombay, India. It is for...
A CALL, by - implication, for a " freer ing" of wages in the passengertransport industry was made by Mr. T. Robert Williams,...
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MR. W. L. WILSON has resigned as director of the Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd„ on account of ill-health. MR. E. H. ROBINSON...
(-ENSURE was passed by the York shire Licensing Authority last week on Swain's Trangport, Ltd., Sale, near Manchester, when...
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A LORRY driver , who parked his vehicle outside .a fruiterer's shop in High Street, Huntingdon, for 18 Minutes and was later...
riRIVERS employed by A. and 11 licensees must now be Paid timeand-a-half for all overtime wOrked on Saturdays. This change came...
interests of the British 1 Transport Commission to see that Ideal operators obtained their fair share of local traffic, If they...
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IT was no part of a Licensing 1 Authority's duty to change a contract-A licence when the parties to it were working amicably,...
D RY-CHARGED batteries are now being introduced by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., for Thames vehicles. At the time of manufacture,...
two vehicles totalling 6 tons to their A licence, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority said that they had built up traffic which...
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T HE Government should spend on the roads the money that the transport industry pays in taxation. I do not mean all the...
Scissors System Ends: The scissors traffic crossing in Bristol city centre has been replaced by a onc-way traffic arrangement....
PEYLON'S Minister of Transport has stated that bus nationalization must be completed within three years. He has rejected a...
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and night with relief drivers, Mr. H. J. Harris, managing director of Harris and May, Ltd., and Bradley's (Plymouth), Ltd.,...
A DENNIS Teal chassis with pan technicon body will be shown for the first time in this country at Earls Court, on Stand 81. A...
T HE Metropolitan Licensing Authority was this week considering a date for the re-hearing of applications by George Ewer and...
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7PHE construction of urban motor ' ways may be highly desirable for the efficient operation of essential traffic, but American...
w HEN T. H. Freeman and Son, Ltd., Brough, applied to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority last week for an A licence for two...
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By W. Isard President, National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers W HEN we consider such a question as is...
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• • Duties Precise Cost Records Essential in Operating a Public cleansing 'Fleet T HE petrol versus oil controversy is bound...
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By P. A. C. Broekington, A.M.T.Mech.E. I F a trader provides terminal facilities that substantially reduce turnround times,...
held up for several hours in loading or unloading material, what purpose is served by improving the flow of traffic either...
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• If the average dispatch organization were as good as the best," said this operator, "my costs would be cut 25 per cent. It's...
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Says a Student of Transport W ITH all the talk there has been of late about the effect on bus traffic of television and...
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I Exclusive Test Report ' T HE new Rootes fourcylindered 2.26-litre indirectinjection oil engine which is announced today is...
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New Tractors, Modifications to the Passenger Chassis and Braking and Steering Improvements C OINCIDING with the announcement...
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A NEW series of light-alloy sections from which platform and drop-sided bodies can be built quickly, economically and without...
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MAY 1 congratulate you on the article about pensions "I for road transport workers (The Commercial -Motor, August 31). Your...
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1VI.P.T.A. President Calls for Autonomous Boards to Run Municipal Passenger Transport M UNICIPAL passenger transport should be...
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nels solid-riveted to fin. Jabroc board which, as well as acting as the web of the channel, also provides the thermal break....
D URING 1954-55, 98 operators of public service vehicles in Great Britain (excluding Northern Ireland) went out of business. In...
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O XFORD UNIVERSITY has a Faculty of Social Studies, and for some time past the Institute of Transport has looked towards Oxford...
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T HE 1956 Commercial Motor Show, which opens, at Earls Court next Friday, promises to be the most interesting 'yet held. A...
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T RAILER manufacturers' exhibits at Earls Court will reflect not only the progress in design that they have made but also...
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T HE suitability of plastics for widely different purposes will be strongly evident on the 66 bodybuilders' stands at the...
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Stand 70. These will include a drop sided body on a Commer 7-ton chassis and a platform body on a MorrisCommercial 7-tanner, A...
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Outstanding Exhibits by component Makers : New Developments in Transmission and Suspension Systems One of the many new...
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Must be Generous This Atkinson L. 1586 eight-wheeler, fitted with a body by Lovell's Motor Co., is used for the transport of...
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A LARM at the situation in' the excursion and tour field arising out of the redistribution of Sheffield's overspill population...
T HE first two eliminating rounds of the Scottish Commercial Vehicle Driver of the Year Competition were held last Saturday,...