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T HIS week "The Commercial Motor" publishes, with modest pride, a comprehensive summary and explanation of the Transport Act,...
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TH E critical stage that has now been reached in Britain's battle for economic survival provides no occasion for political...
Responsibilities of IS a driver entitled to assume Drivers Questioned in that pedestrians will obey Court of Appeal . . traffic...
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Hears— That a mild winter would prove a "save face" for the Coal Board. That we cannot have our cake and eat it—but where is...
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L ITTLE surprise has been caused in J--4 road transport circles by at least three of the appointments to full-time membership...
H EAR1NG of cases against three organizers of the Blackburn antinationalization procession on July 26 has been postponed until...
O N August 6, the Transport Bill received the Royal Assent. After an all-night sitting on Bank Holiday, during which the House...
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E XPORTS of new commercial vehicles, industrial trucks, general haulage tractors and trailers in the six months ended June last...
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1 .- IN Tuesday, the Ministry of Trans%---f port announced the appointment of Mr. C. Montgomery White, K.C., as president of...
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president of the road transport advisory committee of the National Savings Committee for 1947-8. MR. E. S. SHRAPNELL-SMITH,...
I ORD TEYNHAM, D.S.O., D.S.C, Lahas been appointed president of the Industrial Transport Association. Vicepresidents are...
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A DVERTIS1NG of hire-car facilities for travel to the seaside led to a prosecution described as "something in the nature of a...
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Fast Trunk Haulage p ROVING ability to operate at a high average speed, the Proctor Mark I 5-6-ton oil-engined chassis, loaded...
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Provider / , N these days it is almost impossible to visualize a world without petroleum and its products, yet it is ; only 87...
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L'OR the average road transport operator, an immobilized vehicle means a serious loss in earning power, and speed in repairs...
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A S a regular reader of your journal fqr many years, 'Ti I would like your advice on a subject that is puzzling me. I hold a...
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U NDER the Act, the following bodies or persons will be concerned in the organization of transport:— (I) THE MINISTER The...
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T HECommission is under a statutory duty to give a notice of acquisition in respect to any undertaking, the activities of which...
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THERE are four principal heads in respect of which compensation is payable. VEHICLES (Sec. 47 (I)) Compensation payable in...
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A FTER the appointed day, it will be a condition of every A and B licence (whether granted before or after the Act) that goods...
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T HE Commission is under an obligation to review, as soon as may be, the passenger road transport services operating in Great...
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CHARGES SCHEMES T HE. Commission is obliged, within two years from the passing of the Act or such longer period as the...
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C ONTRACTS for the rendering of personal services (other than services as a director, except a managing director, or a director...
By Our Legal Adviser A ROYAL COMMISSION, in the manner prescribed by centuries of tradition, in the presence of the noble Lords...
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HAULAGE RATES S OME time ago I gave information to an operator regarding rates per mile for the carriage of bricks, and, in...
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Multiple Driving H OW to distribute both the load and the power equally between twin driving axles is shown in patent No....