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free hauliers, the Road Haulage Executive Hauliers Wastes is deliberately flouting the Increases instruction given by Parlia...
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the 1951 quota of J.-goeds - r: vehicles ,Thr the home market, cOtit13,ared'Wittrthat'of the present year, will be welconted„...
Australian Operator THE Fcxlen concern has Supplies Road-safety A brought to our notice Slogans several clever, and in some...
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That British reputations, as well as deputations, LI2rnand better roads That in the present state of disrepair of our roads one...
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o B.T.C. Control of !hullers' Charges on Permit Work : B.T.C. Licensing Restricted TWO important amendments in favour of the...
D ESPITE an earlier refusal, reported in "The Commercial Motor" last week, by the Minister of Transport to receive a deputation...
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TO-MORROW (December 16) the 1 Yorkshire (Sheffield) Area of the Road Haulage Association is staging processions of vehicles...
by Crook Is-1 and Wilmington Carriers, Ltd., Bishop Auckland, to replace an existing lorry of 11 tons 16 cwt. unladen weight...
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A BOLITION of workmen's fares, sought by Leicester Transport Department, was, last week, refused by the East Midland Licensing...
MR. J. FISHER has been appointed office manager in Unaguay for the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. COL. SIR JOSEPH NALL, D.S.O., T.D.....
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E MPHATIC protests against the permit situation were voiced at a meeting of 400 hauliers, held by the Road Haulage Association...
C ONCERTED attempts by coach operators running express services into and across London, to introduce longer and wider vehicles,...
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in the High Court is to be brought by three brothers, one of whom was managing director of Wright Bros. (Wolverhampton), Ltd.,...
O RDERS in hand for Loadstar 2-tonners and 5-tonners, 15,000 of which have already been exported, cover the entire production...
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I N addition to the Belgian pave at the Motor Industry Research Association's Nuneaton proving ground, other sections have been...
if 4A LTHOUGH some people did not IA like the service provided by the Road Haulage Executive, if the vehicles were available,...
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D ESPITE pressure by Opposition Members in the House of Commons, last week, the Minister of Transport refusee to state what...
IT is understood that the National 1 Union of Manufacturers has not yet finally decided the line of action to be followed on...
I N a discussion on Weigh affairs in the House of Commons last week, Mr Ness Edwards, the Postmaster-General, stressed the...
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T EAM spirit is one of the secrets of the success of West Bromwich Transport Department, an undertaking which is highly...
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A NI ONG the latest items of transport service equipment are a paant drier, torque wrenches, washing plant, breakdown cranes...
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\ DROPOSALS bein g considered by '1 Newcastle-on-Tyne town plannin g committee include developments to the city's three main...
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Original Thought and Creative Imagination Required to Deal with Present -day Transport Problems, but Special Training is...
T "year's edition of "Basic Road Statistics, Great Britain, 1950," published by the British Road Federation, reveals that the...
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By A. E. Sherlock-M esher, F.R.S.A. M ECHANICAL handling at depots, the development of special .types of vehicle, effective...
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from the days of the horsed and steam trams, is reviewed in an illustrated brochure marking the completion of 50 years'...
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Whilst the R.H.E.'s Acquired Undertakings Withdrew from the R.H.A., Membership of N.A.F.W.R. by Pickfords Continues. This...
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two items in your issue I dated November 24. Mr. R. Reader 1-Tarris, M.P., in referring to the capabilities of certain Members...
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" 'IF the results of tests carried out are representative, there is room I for much improvement in the design of the brakes of...
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Mr, T. H. Parkinson on "Post. war Public Service Vehicle Maintenance" Offers Some Controversial Views THE introduction of the...
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Tippers and Normal Lorries Our Costs Expert Continues His Thesis of Last Week IN pt my previous article I gave figures for the...
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T O demonstrate it lighting equipment and fittings to prospective customers in remote areas, Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Crompton...
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T O increase the number of passengers carried by a vehicle, while keeping to the legal exterior dimensions, is the aim of a...