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U LSTER'S transport may eventually be provided entirely by road vehicles. This possibility is foreseen in the report of the...
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A S hauliers have been preoccupied with the problems created by fuel rationing, consideration of other matters has become of...
Using Over-length Vehicles REFERR1NG to a paragraph "No Change in Legal Length," published last week, under "Passing...
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Of divided opinion and many arguments about toll roads. That, bright ideas for fuel saving are a further proof of the Briton's...
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VIORE than half the g oods-vehicle operators' in the country are I" mana g in g on their basic rations. The Re g ional...
N EW proposals for the adjustment • of differentials between the rates of pay of drivers of the various sizes of. Aand...
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H AS a bus operator a legal right to the sole use of a bay at a stoppingplace? This question was argued before Stratford on...
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' MR. PATRiCK EDGE-PARTINGTON has been elected a director of Quicktho (1928), Ltd. . MR. A. G. WATKINS, director and manager,...
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A LTHOUGFI opposed by two county and eight local councils, an " application for higher fares by Aldershot and District Traction...
T HE So u th Lancashire transport Co. have applied to the North Western Traffic Commissioners for permission to delete from...
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IA A SUGGESTION that a clearing house be set up on a national basis to pool the capacity of C-licence vehicles during the...
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A N important appeal raising questions concerning the right' of a Licensing Authority to delete a vehicle from a licence on the...
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A LTHO UGH they were not breaches rA of the law, the linking of licences held by different operators and the use of "through...
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6 6 B.T.C. Favoured" WHEN, before the North Western TV Deputy Licensing Authority last week, Mr. A. W. Balne, for the British...
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M ANY road signs are to be changed to improve clarity. All Halt signs will be illuminated, and authorities may double the size...
MEW tours offered by Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., in the coming season include a 12-day coach-air holiday to Jersey at an...
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"1-F HE stage is about to be set by the Government for the ultimate and probable early elimination of virtually all the...
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New Oil Engine Offered in Latest Bedford Range : Forward-control 4and 5-tonners and New 6-tonner,s' Introduced : Leyland 0.350...
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NEW 5-tonner Iris been introduced into the . range of vehicles produced by Seddon • Diesel Vehicles, Ltd., Woodstock Factory,...
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S TRAWBERRIES embedded in ice are being transported half-way across Europe in British vehicles. This method avoids the need for...
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P OSSIBLY indicating design trends to I be followed by the organinition's British counterparts, a new range of goods vehicles...
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Seven Countries are Represented at the 1957 Amsterdam Commercial Motor Show and Competition is Keen : Guy Show New Passenger...
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R ECENT evidence that the Government favour the railways seems to have impressed itself -more strongly on hauliers than on...
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OTZ THE COUNTRYMAN By D. Randall H AVING in mind rising costs and diminishing traffic, one of the more remarkable aspects of...
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B Y employing a Dodge normalcontrol 7-loaner with a Boys thirdaxle conversion and Eaton two-speed axle, Mr. R. E. Greatbatch,...
produced by Wessex Industries (Poole), Ltd., West Street, Poole, Dorset. Known as the model E650 Mk. .111, it will lift 1,500...
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Institution of Mechanical Engineers Discuss Gaskets, Gudgeon-pin Location, Sealing Rings for Wet Liners, and Thermostats F OUR...
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W E'RE the Cinderellas of the Commission," a British Road Services man remarked ruefully the other day. But Cinderella Went to...
A MULTI-PURPOSE, light-alloy body for general haulage has been produced by Barham Bros. (Coach-buildeis), Ltd., Motspur Drive,...
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W HAT must be one of the most modern types of transport depot was opened last Friday at Woking for S.P.D., Ltd., the...
A NEW electric fork-lift truck has been introduced by Lansing Bagnall, Ltd., Kingsclere Road, Basingstoke. Known as the FOER 3,...
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f NJECTION pump governors are I usually provided with an excess-fuel Stop which is intended for use only before starting. If...