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Trade and Industry are Beginning to A ppreeiate the Urgent Need fo r Road Transport 0 N many occasions we have emphasized the...
R ECENTLY we read of a case where a motorist was fined 10s. more for exceeding the speed limit than were other defendants, in...
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"Buchan Spells" as a Guide to Vehicle C ALENDARS are usually presented in one of several well-known forms, but this year's...
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Of many "save face" explanations. 0 That a merger need not be a submerger. That there's no hate against the tight-wheeler...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever paints arising, as a carriage is by the...
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commenced to hear 12 appeals by a large number of hauliers against decisions of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority in granting...
F OOD transport was under prominent notice, the other day, before Mr. A. Henderson, Southern Scotland Licensing Authority, at...
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given "an opportunity of making good S' by the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, at Dundee, last week. Appearing to show...
DREFERENCE by the cotton in dustry for road transport was again emphasized during the hearing, in Manchester, last week, of an...
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1% A ADE partly at the instigation of 1V1 the police, the application of Mr. \V. II. Shepherd, Huntington Garage, Chester, has...
important Vir issue concerning applications for licence " transfers " was raised during the hearing of an application before...
Five Lorries to One T HE action of the North-Western Licensing Authority in reducing a Manchester haulier's fleet of five...
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Dereham Urban District Council is to buy a fire-engiue. • Wath-on-Bearne Joint Ambulance Committee proposes to buy an...
MENDERS are invited by the following {latest -Ielates given in parentheses): Essex C.C. for (1) mechanical haulage, (2) local...
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Latest Scammell Design Incorporating Air-cooled V-type Engine, Detachable Driving Unit and Rubber Suspension I N every new...
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the vehicle which has been specially constructed for Sir Charles Markham, the well-known diplomat, sportsman and big-game...
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NEW MERSEYSIDE WAGES AGREEMENT? A joint sub-committee of the Conference of Liverpool and District Road Transport Employers and...
IMPORTANCE of unity in the repre sentation of the industry was emphasized by the Attorney-General, Sir Donald Somervell, KC.,...
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• the Ancillary User Solving the Problems L of tne C arr ier Why C-licensees Would Not Increase Their Own Fleets if Haulage...
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The Luggage Problem on Coaches An Expert Describes Methods of Building Luggage Containers to Afford Adequate Protection...
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More Freedom for Road Transport A Striking and .Critical Analysis of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, .1g33, and its Effects Upon...
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By E. L. Cadwallader (Joint General Manager, C.A.V.-Bosch, Lid.) DUBLISHED statistics have sub stantiated the views I...
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Long-distance Work is Not for the Small Man, Who Would be Well Advised to Concentrate on Local Operations, Says Capt. E. H. B....
Factors to be Considered in Assessing the Value of Goodwill. Insecurity that is Created by Licensing By A. W. Powley,...
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BE MADE IN COAL AWKING Equipped with Good-quality B, Hauliers Near Busy Towns C Business in Selling ( Set of Scales and...
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G RANTING an applicant a fullperiod licence for an additional ).•ehiele . , in place of a short-term licence, the Yorkshire...
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Some Aspects of the RoadRail Situation in Italy, Showing How Commercialmotor Operators are Penalized to Make Good Deficits of...
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Commercial Section Notable and Includes SeVeral New Arrivals. Belgian National Industry Stands Up to Foreign Makers T HE Salon...
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Three Types of W. and J. Starter Sets Available for Engines of 20 b.h.p. to 200 b.h.p. A Novel Form of Drive for the Starter...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be written on...
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F OLLOWING the success of its P.Y.P. winding half-drop window for buses and coaches, Rawlings Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Larch...
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S EVERAL amendments to the Public Service Vehicles (Conditions of Fitness) Regulations, 1936, are proposed by the Minister of...
S TOCKPORT Corporation and the North Western. Road Car Co., Ltd., are having a battle royal as to their respective rights as...
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T 'EOxford Conference on Mechanized Farming concluded, last Friday, with two papers discussing the combine harvester. Mr. A. J....
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NEW COMPANIES. Transport Vehioles (Daimler), Ltde—Private company. Reg. Jan. 8. Nom. cap. £100 in ord. snares of £1....
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A Re:sun-1i of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published THE bearing surfaces of trailer turnJ. tables are...