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Why Goods Go By Road
DREFERENCE by the cotton in dustry for road transport was again emphasized during the hearing, in Manchester, last week, of an application by Messrs. Hall and Rawson, carriers,......
Results Of Contested Applications
1% A ADE partly at the instigation of 1V1 the police, the application of Mr. \V. II. Shepherd, Huntington Garage, Chester, has been granted by the North-Western Licensing......
Enston Ruling Applied To "transfer Withat Is Regarded As An
important Vir issue concerning applications for licence " transfers " was raised during the hearing of an application before the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority (Mr. E.......
Fleet Reduced From
Five Lorries to One T HE action of the North-Western Licensing Authority in reducing a Manchester haulier's fleet of five vehicles to one machine, on the ground that the......