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Despite the Motorways Plan, the Road Programme Still Lacks Urgency and Imagination N INE years after Parliament granted powers...
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rr HE reorganization and enlargement of the 1. standards department of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders will...
Not What it Seems A PASSAGE in the Road Haulage Disposal Board's half-yearly report does not mean what it says. Dealing with...
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Of doughty doings in new quarters. That the turbine SheerIine at Longbridge is a sheer surprise. That beyond a slightly hazy...
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Government Reviewing Future Ownership ⢠of 8,000 Unsold Lorries BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT IT is likely that the Government...
BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE whole trend of Monday's debate in the House of . Commons on the British Transport...
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IT is understood that an inquiry for I transport for over 2,000 tons was handed in at the stand of the Road Haulage Association...
A CCIDENTS in Leicester caused by people boarding and alighting from corporation buses between stops have increased since a...
T HE Transport Tribunal do not think that transport facilities in the Peterborough area will be more than adequate in the...
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MR. C. BURGESS, secretary, and MR. P. B. TUNKS have joined the board of Seottorn, Ltd. Mr. Tunks is works director. MR. A. H....
"THIS price ring is reacting in a detrimental fashion to the people of Aberdeen," commented Cllr. R. S. Lennox at last week's...
A NEW amendment to the Road -rx Traffic Bill seeks to raise the speed limit foi heavy goods vehicles from 20 m.p.h. to 30...
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THE Transport and General Workers' Union conference at Blackpool on Tuesday passed unanim o usly a resolution callin g on the...
" TOD AY we have a road problem I w hich be met with the ur g ency of a military operation," declared Lord Derwent, chairman of...
A SUBSTANTIAL first purchase of .1"3. transport units, . involvin g 32 vehicles, includin g two articulated .outfits (1I3 tons...
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of East Riding Transport Co. (Market Wcighton), Ltd., for four vehicles was imposed by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority last...
THERE were many surprises at the I Austin Golden Jubilee celebrations last Saturday, but the one that created the biggest...
L ACK of drive by the management in its approach to staff relations was alleged by Ald. G. H. Wigman when he presented to...
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T HE increasing number of private vehicles in Northern Ireland is having a twofold effect on Belfast Transport Department,...
A WARNING that they might he r - L " in serious difficulties" with the Licensing Authority if they did nothing more than to...
T HE South Wales Licensing Authority last week granted permission to Caerphilly Urban District Council to increase fares on...
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I N a new air rescue vehicle , the prototype of which has been built by Fire Armour. Ltd., 9 George Street. London, W.I. an...
THE London Transport Executive I were entitled to add 10 per cent. establishment costs to the charge for the repair of a Green...
A NO ['HER attack was made on the denationalization of road haulage by the Opposition in the House of Commons last week, and...
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Illy the end of September, work should Li have been started on at least a quarter of the 27 large road schemes announced by the...
tion of a £70,000 bus station, with 35 bays, on the Old Infirmary site, Newcastle upon Tyne, to replace the present station in...
has asked the British Transport Commission . for further information about the meat transport unit of British Road Services...
DAYLOAD ratings of the standard I range of Foden goods vehieles have been changed and a new system of nomenclature has been...
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Powered by B.M .0 2.2-litre Oil Engine, New Austin 30-cwt. Van Does Well on Test: Capacity without Bulk Ensured by Forward...
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Thames Oil Engine Returns 21 m.p.g. as Against 9 m.p.g. With the Ford V8 Petrol Unit : Conversion Kit Available QUBSTANTIAL...
Drop - sided Body Weigh 8 cwt. T HE use of light-alloy fittings has enabled the Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd.. Warwick, to...
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A COMPANY has beep formed to make Leyland vehicla and engines in India. Known as Ashok Leyland, Ltd., it has been constituted...
A HUNDRED years of progress in road transport 1-- X was epitomized in the opening, last week, of a new 30,000-sq.-ft. garage,...
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London Area Haulier, Specializing in Machinery and Awkward Traffic, Weathers Difficult Nationalization Period and Puts His...
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INCREASING use is being made of I rubber bump units for commercial vehicles, and they are also being employed to give a...
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-" Is there any point to which you would wish ' to draw my attention?" "To the curious incident of the dog in the...
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J. and H. Transport Services (Peckham), Ltd., to Take Over 38 More Lorries T ENDERS for a further 38 lorries (100 tons 8 cwt.)...
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A lorry (5 tons 13 cwt.) has been sold to Mr. R. G. Sampson. Bloomfield, l'imsbury, by S. Ball and Son (Transport), Ltd.,...
QPECIFIC reference to The Connner cial Motor was made by Mr. J. A. T.. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, last Week, when he...
The new German army will need auoui 86,000 lorries of 20 different types. There were 87,609 commercial vehicles registered in...
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A S an assistant mechanical superintendent at a large bus depot in Essex. I am constantly "driving buses, mostly on test, and...
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W HEN the first moves were made to nationalize long distance transport, Stratford on Avon Produce Canners, Ltd.,...
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In Response to a Special Request, "The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Outlines All the Items of Expense Which a Haulier Must...
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P ATENT No. 729,831 comes from 1 S. A. Andre Citroen, 117-167 Quai de Javel, Paris, and gives details of a magnetically...