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.T HE official edict against the modification of the Construction and Use Regulations, as they apply to the width of buses and...
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Road Accidents and I N a lengthy and well-reasoned War Casualties Have paper on• road accidents, Mr. No Connection. . . Ben...
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The query: Will the ' nats' get at road • t nsport ? C. That the " Aries" used Lodge Sintpx-insidated plugs' en its flight to...
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RS T "growth of the filtration industry has been considerable during the war, and because of its probable increase in...
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MR. W. S. HADFIELD, parcels superintendent of the transport undertaking of Manchester Corporation, is to retire after 45 years'...
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certain aspects of the grouping movement were discussed at the 47th annual conference of the National Chamber of Trade, which...
IN the course of his speech at the annual general meeting of the Roads Improvement Association, Lieut.-Col. .Mervyn O'Gorman,...
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A STRONG cOndemnation of con trols; as they now exist, and a drastically simplified procedure for the obtaining of - A...
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T HERE has been such unity and good fellowship amongst the Unit Controllers of No. 5 Division (London) of the R.H.O. that it....
Vehicle for Election Campaign Fund THAT provincial initiative is needed 1 for speedy action to put forward General Election...
R EPRESENTATIVES of nine southeast Lancashire passenger-transport undertakings will meet in Manchester on June 20 to discuss...
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y OU published in your issue dated May II a Jettef . from . Mr. C. B. M. Pale, chief engineer, • Petters; Ltd., also a short...
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cialized Duty fi HE transport and delivery of household coai in r urban areas, where there are many tenement build. ings and...
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The Second of Two Articles Dealing with the Problem of Solving the Vehicle Choice for Particular Traffics, Brick Haulage being...
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Man-power and Time TO those of our readers who have little or no knowledge 1 of agriculture, the experiment of planting rhubarb...
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Facilities Should Now be Provided to Enable P.S.V. Operators By to Relieve the Holiday Transport Problem " Tantalus " ARLY in...
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MHERE nas been introduced a new • vitreous-enamelling alloy steel which will take white and other colours without the prior...
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by Circulating Fuel A FUEL-COOLED.injector collies, in patent No. 568,506, froth Sulzer Freres S.A., Winterthur, Switzerland....