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H ARD commercial necessity, so much a factor in these days, may have driven from the minds of harassed users the fact that the...
Traffic Signal Problems MANY difficulties with Caused by Load I" traffic have occurred as a Shedding result of light signals...
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C OMPETITION for licences to run express carriage services between Scotland and London reached unexpected proportions this...
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UOPES that the amalgamation of the A 1 employers' organizations in the vehicle-building industry was not far distant were...
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I N Blackpool, last week, Mr. John Lancaster, National Association of Local Government Officers' organizing officer for...
LORD WESTWOOD has been elected president of the Institution of Engineering Draughtsmen and Designers. MR. WiLLIAM E. DUCK....
the decision of the Transport Arbitration Tribunal in the case of Messrs. C. and G. Yeoman and the Road Haulage Executive, was...
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B Y 304 votes to 286, the clause of the Finance Bill, increasing the tax on fuel oils was passed through the committee stage in...
A NUMBER of new features, tending towards greater efficiency, has been introduced into the Dennis Paxit Major refuse collector,...
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U NLESS there was an unforeseeable halt in price trends, this would not be the last application for increased fares. This...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. I T is not uncommon for a British manufacturer to offer me a chassis for test before its...
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T HERE was a note recently in your journal to the effect that there is only one woman in Great Britain dill driving a...
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Inevitable— Although the Economy is Not as Great as Might be Expected and Traffic May be Lost When a Conductor is Not Carried...
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Transmission? Advantages of Hydraulic Systems Justify Higher Fuel Consumption and, in the Long Run; May Even Reduce Overall...
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Attraction of Traffic to Centres of Population Must be Avoided by the Construction of Ring Roads and by Other Means C...
Axle Design SELF-ALIGN1NG axle for use on PA. four-wheeled trailers has recently been introduced by Rubber By-Products...
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Strong Criticism of Undue Limitation of Discussions on State Enterprises: Consultative Committees No Substitute for...
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Railway Companies Inadequately Compensated for Road Transport Holdings; Even if Substituted Road Services Show Loss, Use Them...
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By JAN US C HARLES DARWIN, I suspect, must occupy a hallowed niche within the Ivory Tower. Whenever the leaders of the new...
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A S in so many other countries, the transport sceoe in Ireland is dominated by the road vehicle. On a small scale, but sharply...
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Better Suspension and Improved Braking Suggested as being Necessary to the Development of Overseas Markets for British...
Transport Costs would be Reduced by Implementing a Bold Plan to Build Motorways D EALING with road planning, Mr. Bennett said...
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attended the 3rd World Petroleum Congress held at Scheveningen, Holland, from May 28 to June 6. Delegates from 41 countries...
system, was not possible, and if it were to expand in the way it should. the building of roads must precede, and not follow,...
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A DOPTION of higher compression tA ratios would, as mentioned by Mr. Brunner, lead to greater fuel economy, but would not the...
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Railways the Main Transport Problem: Insufficient Funds Devoted to Rail and Road Transport: New Equipment—Particularly...
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six points to watch (I) Road Conditions at the Pit ; (2) Loading Facilities ; (3) Delays at Destination ; (4) Whether Ballast...
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A CLUTCH which slips at slow speeds and •drives at high speed is shown in patent No. 652,527, by L. De Dionigi, Rome. Though...
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N applied to aluminium and its alloys, the term "heat treatment" usually implies those processes, more specifically called...
outlines of the technology of aluminium. No completeness is claimed for these notes, but it is hoped that they may provide an...