15th June 1951, Page 53
15th June 1951
Page 53

Page 53, 15th June 1951
Better Roads Greater Economy
Transport Costs would be Reduced by Implementing a Bold Plan to Build Motorways D EALING with road planning, Mr. Bennett said that this was no new problem, as even in 1827, Mr.......
World Petroleum Congress Nearly 3,000 Leaders Of The Oil...
attended the 3rd World Petroleum Congress held at Scheveningen, Holland, from May 28 to June 6. Delegates from 41 countries studied 300 papers and these, together with the......
Roads First: Vehicles After R Oad Transport , Without An...
system, was not possible, and if it were to expand in the way it should. the building of roads must precede, and not follow, traffic increases, said Mr. C. T. Brunner. in a......