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N 0 one can deny, or fail to be impressed by, the efficiency of the propaganda departments of the railways. Even the British...
T HE licensing of carriers and the numerous restrictions placed upon their activities might not be felt so severely if many of...
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wear is ‘-/said to be oil deterioration due to oxidation. It is known, however, that certain substances, generally called...
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That every examiner had first to succeed as an examinee. That, in attacking road transport, the railway bites the hand that...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
THE driver of any type of mechani cally propelled vehicle must have the ordinary non-vocational licence, but after April 1,...
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eftenenham corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply of a refuse collector. Blackpool Corporation's cleansing committee...
following (latest dates given tit parentheses) :—Cleethorpes U.D.C. for le-in. to - Sf,-in. granite chippings; 244-in. graded...
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MEGOTIATIONS between the emI 1 41 ployers' and employees' panels of the Yorkshire Area Joint Conciliation' Board collapsed at a...
A STATEMENT that approximately 60 per cent, of the 4,000 questionnaire forms sent to Yorkshire goods-vehicle operators by the...
S PEAKING at a meeting of the Western Sub-area of the Metropolitan Regional division of the Road Haulage Association, on...
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for the delivery of parcels the basis of lorries which are, of course, rated as being suitable for 21-3-ton loads, it is not...
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T HE fifth annual dinner of the North Eastern Division of the Commercial Motors Users Association was held in Leeds on March 7....
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NEW AIR SERVICES FROM DONCASTER. Pl. A NEW company named Crilly Airways, Ltd., has been formed to run passenger services from...
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WOULD SOLID OR AIR-CUSHION TYRES BE SUITABLE FOR RAILCARS? [4511] I read with interest in your issue dated February 22 of the...
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I N our issue dated November 16, 1934, we described an electricalcontrol unit designed for A.E.C. oil and petrol-engined...
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L AST week, the Metropolitan Traffic Area Joint Conciliation Board reached a final, as well as an interim, agreement regarding...
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T HERE must be few road-haulage concerns engaged in the widely diverse and specialized spheres of the bulk transport of liquids...
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The Government's Intentions Include the Beading of a Simple Power Unit for Use in Tractors WE have already recorded the...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent GLASGOW BUYING RUSSIAN PETROL? S EVERAL Members of Parliament...
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More Views on a Subject of Vital Interest to the Industry A RECORD OF PAST DRIVING MISDEEDS UNDULY PREJUDICES MAGISTRATES. B...
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CON TAIN ER B ODIES T HE -lift . van or container is made in various capacities from 15 cwt. to 6 tons, for carrying a wide...
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A PPEALS by 46 coach operators in the Manchester district were heard. on Thursday of last week, by Mr. H. J. Comyns. The...
I NCONSISTENCIES in the administration of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, may still be observed, and one of the principals of a...
n O-ORDINATION of services be tween Yorkshire and Blackpool was the subject of an application before the North-Western Traffic...
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" V IEWING the position broadly, the applicants now seem to the Commissioners to be justified in saying that, as a result of...
I T is understood that Messrs. J. Pear son and Sons (Happy Days Motorways) have agreed to sell their coach services to Ribble...
A S the result of arguments placed before him by a deputation, the Minister of Transport has undertaken to consider them if an...
T HE Southern Scotland Traffic Commissioners have now announced their decision in the contentious applications by the Central...
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LONDOL ONDON'S 120 new trolleybuses are N'S be e q uipped with low-volta g e batteries, which will enable the vehicles to...
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T HE Minister of Transport has dismissed the appeal of the Betteshan g er Miners Mutual Self-help Club a g ainst the refusal Of...
WilIAT is claimed to be the lar g est IN depot in the north of En g land exclusively devoted to commercial-vehicle sales and...
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of gains, the first point to be noted is the difficulty of devising a system which will satisfactorily meet the needs of every...
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F ROM Dr. log. Wach, 57, See . strasse, Kilcbberg-Zurich, Switzerland, comes patent . No. 423,347, describing the results of...