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T HE law, as it affects financially linked companies Who pool their ⢠transport, has been clarified by the decision of the...
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A DISTRESSING problem besets road trans..port operators in the ageing driver or conductor who has given good service for many...
Granite Finish for Tipper Floor A N unusual feature in a coal tipper recently built by Maudslays (Leeds), Ltd., for Cyril...
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That town dwellers who feel an urge to live in the country are furious when thousands of others follow their example and their...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT IS it legal for coach operators to exchange passengers and carry them I free of charge from one...
n UTIES of a driver varied according to circumstances, and there was no universal law which imposed complete burden of...
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r RANTING an A licence for six 'Li vehicles totalling 243 tons unladen, ! 1d five articulated outfits (14+ tons), to Charles...
P A ling 48 tons unladen, was granted to Erinoid, Ltd., Stroud, by Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, on Monday....
IN/HEN F.L.S. Transport, Ltd., OldVV land Common, near Bristol sought to add six vehicles, totalling 234 tons, to their A...
DECAUSE Burnley, Caine and Nelson .1.) holidaysâoriginally separate weeks -had been combined into 'a common fortnight, local...
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MR. DEREK FOSTER has been appointed sales liaison manager of the Owen Organization. MR. S. J. BARNES, general manager of the...
T HE attitude of Liverpool has been . one of dictatorship. We hive found that you cannot placate or appease a -bully, but we...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A DISTRIBUTION scheme whereby manufacturers of television and radio sets may obtain a better...
N O road operator had opposed the application of Siddlc C, Cook, Ltd., Consett, Co. Durham, Mr. T. H. Campbell Wardlaw told the...
ruEL ratiOning would be ended as I soon circumstances allowed, but it was essential that the nation should improve its...
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INCREASINGLY close interworking A among members is noted in the annual report of Mr. R. 13. Brittain, retiring .chairman of the...
IMPROVEMENTS in insurance cover A for British exporters are to be introduced by Export Credits Guarantee Department. From April...
S 1XTEEN local councils opposed an application by the West Riding, Automobile Co., Ltd., for a revision of fares before the....
THE Minister of Power has made an I Order which gives effect to the announcement, made on February 20. that car owners and...
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T HE B-licence conditions of two vehicles in their fleet were, making. operation exceedingly difficult for Brewer and Turnbull...
n ISSATISFACTION with the differ ence between their pay and that of London and Birmingham Corporation bus workers is being...
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T "parcels service operated by J. Lathom and Sons (Carriers), Ltd., Crewe, between Manchester, Cheshire and the Midlands, was...
A MBULANCES with all plastics bodywork, and incorporating the Austin ID series chassis with either petrol or oil engines, are...
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"THE railways want all the net 1. traffic they can get, but they want most the traffic which they can carry more profitably...
A VARIATION of their A licence was granted to PI. F. Wardell (Haulage), Ltd., Lyrnm, Cheshire, at Manchester last week, to...
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A COLOURED 8-ft-wide waiting lane, which will be used by buses when stopping and by other vehicles having to wait for short...
A R.CIUMENT is still rife in Ceylon over the Government's intention to nationalize bus services. It is proposed to take over...
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MO decision was taken at a meetin g 11 at Birmin g ham, last week, on the su g gestion that the West Midlands should have a...
poi⢠AlLWAY opposition was withdrawn IA. before the Western Li c ensin g Authority last week when Martin's Warehousin g...
A N appeal a g ainst the imposition of a £10 fine on Suthcriands of Peterhead (Road Hauliers), Ltd., Victoria Gara g e, St....
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. New Commer 6-7-cwt. Van Announced This Week : Bodywork Improvements and O.H.V. Engine 0 N...
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A BASICALLY new rear-engined passenger chassis has been introduced by Seddon Diesel Vehicles, Ltd., Oldham. The prototype,...
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"Sits. Vac." 4 x 4 By The Hawk A BOUT 12 months ago Joh n Moon was glancin g idly (so he says) down the -"Situations Vacant...
was afforded last week on a section of the L.C.C. Crystal Palace racin g circuit. The tests were conducted over seven laps...
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A NEW six-speed gearbox has been introduced for installation in the Chieftain, Clydesdale, Riever and Victor models...
T HE railways had had specific assurances from a number of traders who had recently given them traffic, that they would...
I F an enterprising coach operator bought a neglected business, he was not entitled to increase its schedule to bring it into...
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r-wheel-drive Conversion lei/land Comet Provides 'come Addition to .British ke of Cross-country ides: First Civilian lure by...
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p ERHAPS the Conservatives and Socialists in Parliament have rather 'overdone their concern for the welfare and wages of the...
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Electric Power for Floor Cleaning A N additional range of battery powered floor-cleaning equipment has been introduced by...
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Follow My Leader I HAVE received a report from one of my representa tives, Mr. Kernahan, concerning a journey he made just...
A MOBILE butcher's shop based on a Commer 25-cwt. forward-control oil-engined chassis has recently been produced by I. H....
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Two 'Trends in Heavy Goods and Passenger Vehicles Forecast by Mr. A G. Wilson . . T RENDS in heavy passenger and goods...
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T HE need for ensuring that bus drivers and . conductors, who are. obliged for health reasons to leave their jobs between the...
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I HAVE frequently urged readers to provide for future expenditure. In this way a haulier can build up a fund . available to...
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INORTHODOXY is the keynote ot %.--) a vehicle design shown inpatent No. 767,420 (Rheinmetall A.G., Rather Strassc 110,...