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ilco-Ribâbetter wear, better less maintenance. Impalco-Rib complete ribbed sheet system h needs no horizontal panel stifN, no...
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- FROM time to time everybody connected with road transport, particularly on the goods vehicle side of the industry, uses the...
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rOLLECT1VELY, road, rail, inland waterway and air transport services represented 10 per cent of the gross national product and...
Hinton Report With Minister FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT PriL E Conservative Party has come out ly in favour of making...
ment Urged R OAD, rail and sea interests developing 1 .⢠the use of containers should get together for an exchange of ideas...
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shown for the first time at the ish Commercial Motor Show t new chassis lubrication systems Tecalemit Ltd. The first is an...
XECUTIVES of the 23 companies in the UK distributing Leyland and Albion vehicles have joined together in an association called...
T HE key question in the future of trans 7 port may be not what kind of public transport we should have, but on what terms we...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT D AIL union leaders who had been baulked of their chance of criticizing the Government over...
Road Services Ltd. of fish landed at Grimsby has now been operating for just under a year. At a joint discussion between...
BirmingI â L ham six months ago to provide security for vehicles with valuable loads. is to be closed. The site, owned by...
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IR MAN of the Transport Assoanon, Mr. Ken Beresford of ord Transport Ltd.. Stoke-uponheaded a party of Association .trs last...
S AIFA, the commercial subsidiary of SLF, the Swedish road haulage association, has recently embarked upon an ambitious...
rOMPLETION of a number of acquisitions has been announced by the Amey Group Ltd. The remaining half of the issued share...
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Mr. J. Gourlay and Mrs. 1. D. Morrison as Members of the Transport Users' Consultative Committee for the South Western area....
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0 companies operating from Leith Caledonian Supply Co. Ltd. and .rry Haulage Ltd. â had their es suspended for six weeks at a...
" W/H.EN someone starts rocking the VI' boat as the appellants have done ", said Mr. J. Backhouse, " the objectors naturally...
ENSIVE operations outside the tthorized normal user and allegaof " trafficking in licences " were ered by the Transport...
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For Withdrawal Northern Licensing Authority, r. I. A, T. Hanlon, in Newcastle riday, repeated his warning to s that lorry...
X DDRESSING the Transport Tribunal / -1 Iasi week. Mr. K._ Schiemann referred to something of a war between rival hauliers at...
adjourned hearing of an applicaby Spelmonden Estates Ltd., Lurst, for 10 vehicles on A licence sumed at Maidstone oe. Monday....
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Needed At Manchester A T a sitting of the North Western Traffic Commissioners in Manchester last week, all available seats in...
is ion Possible Implications A s reported last week, Mr. b. I. R. Muir, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, after some...
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D EFINING the public interest is a fascinating pursuit indulged in not infrequently by Traffic Commissioners. At Manchester...
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BY DEREK MOSES WHEN I recorded that sleeper coaches Vi' had gone into production in Germany last year (The Commercial Motor,...
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order received frono the Lisbon ark Tramways Ltd., Portugar, Daimler Fleetline rear-engined leek bus chassis marks the ; of...
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A MORE logical national policy on I -1 passenger transport subsidies was urgently required, said Mr. Arnold Stone, chairman,...
n ETAILS can now be given of the bodywork ordered for 10 singledecker buses which represent a new trend in bus design. This is...
nPERATIONS of Belfast Corporation transport department for the 1964-5 year resulted in a surplus of £81,663. Although there...
T HE Borough treasurer of Middlesbrough. Mr. J. B. Woodham, commenting last week on the £26.473 loss on the Corporation bus...
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Association of ica has allocated more than S2m, to romotion of road safety in the year 5. This sum will be allocated among 17...
BY THE TECHNICAL EDITOR D EMONSTRATIONS of the range of Magirus vehicles, which are to be marketed by Magirus-Deuti....
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WITH the opening of a new factory in Glasgow and an extension to its existing VV premises at Barton Stacey, Pitt Trailers Ltd....
IT was confirmed last week by Krupp of I Essen that negotiations were going on with the American White Motor Co. Ltd., covering...
G RANTS totalling more than £3,600 are announced by The Council of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Each year funds...
A REFRIGERATED boxvan for service in Ken) a with factory-to-depot deliveries of bulk ice cream has been designed and built by...
Lam, Yorks Extension on M62: The Miester of Transport has published his proposed route for the final 104 miles of the...
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and Publications uid-level Sight Gauges n Vactric U1D-LEVEL sight gauges designed by an American cornany are now available...
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A S announced in The Commercial Motor recently, a new mechanical self starter has been introduced by Simms Motor Units Ltd....
The Value of Drilling Jigs A LTHOUGH one would not expect to find any large amount of repetition drilling work in vehicle...
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By the Hawk ern Welsh Stand Th e part played by the n Welsh Omnibus Co. Lid., in providing employor disabled persons was...
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RHA CONFERENCE DISCUSSES MANY SUBJECTS T HIS year's Road Haulage Association conference at Blackpool produced a wide range of...
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T HE first resolution on Tuesday: That in view of misunderstandings by the public of the results of roadside checks on the...
T HERE was considerable disappoint ment and a certain amount of anno y ance among delegates when it was announced, only a few...
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than this was involved the could be well visualized. In mit of an emergency stop there anger of the load moving, the ; skidding...
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Mr. Jones
and Incomes Board, Mr. Duncan A. C. Dewdney (who took the place of the chairman, Mr. Aubrey Jones, at the last moment), was...
(Continued From Previous Page) Mr. W. MacMillan (Scotland) made these points in seconding the resolution that was carried with...
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across the English Channel. Others. have not yet taken the plunge in this direction, may be dering doing so to cater for the...
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Week in, week out the great loads speed across country, meeting tight schedulesâ sometimes missing schedules because of...
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By R. D. CATER A M Inst E 'TO be alive to the overall cost of excessive fuel consumpI lion in a big fleet is to be in a...
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Continued from page 79 The best vehicles, from the point of view of obtaining service, in Belgium. Holland and. perhaps....
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) NE of the many beneficial results which were expected to flow from the Industrial Training Act, 1964, was that road operators...
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A LTHOUGH a preliminary announcement was made in March that AEC Ltd. had designed a twin-steer six-wheeled tractive unit for...
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1INT exercise by the transport vices manager of Birds Eye Foods 4ick(eover Transport Ltd., Crane uf Trailers Ltd. and Leyland...
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L AST week a start was made in considering the several items of expenditure which fall under the heading of overhead or...
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By George Wilmot Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London REGIONAL STUDIES Greater Leicester THROUGHOUT this...
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land-Duple Only ? IING followed with interest the Leyland-AEC )ntroversy (and the associated concern over lack of of product)...