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T HE memorandum on "Motorbus design and construction" which was outlined in last week's issue of "The Commercial Motor " •...
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T HE report of the Committee of Inquiry into Evasions of Petrol Rationing Control is an interesting and carefully thought-out...
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Big Vehicles with THE development of power Power Braking Beat braking on the heavier Small Types . . classes of vehicle has...
That electric batteries in Elektron cases sounds correct. 0 That some bus shelters look more suitable for cattle than people....
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PRODUCTION 1,837 DOWN IN FEBRUARY P RODUCTION of commercial vehicles in February totalled 12,165 units, compared with 14,002 in...
has been designed by Fodens, Ltd., and is at present undergoing practical tests, stated representatives of the company at a...
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S TARTED as a department of Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd., in 1921, Express Motor and Body Works, Ltd., became a company in...
A DROP in exports of new com mercial vehicles, including industrial trucks, road haulage tractors and trailers, took place in...
lUTANY members of the industry, on al both the manufacturing and operating sides, will mourn the loss of our old friend, Mr D....
F OLLOWING last year's contract for 1,000 Regent Mark III doubledeckers, London Transport has now ordered a further 370. The...
A N important concern in the aluminium industry requires a transport development engineer to deal with prototype design and the...
T HE bodybuilding business of AllWeather Motor Bodies, Ltd., Canterbury Works, Canterbury Road, Kilburn, London, N.W.6, is for...
A NEW company with the title David Brown Tractors (Eire), Ltd., has been formed to deal with the wholesale trade of David Brown...
A TOTAL of £416,780 was realized at the three weeks' sale of rim/ernrnent surplus vehicles, which ended'. at Brotherton,...
T HE Appeal Tribunal is sitting in London on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next, April 20-22. Tuesday's appeal is by the...
albeing introduced by Glasgow Education Committee, The first unit will Consist of a boiler, cubicles and sprays built into a...
Surrey group of the Institute of Transport (Metropolitan Section) will be held on she premises of Messrs. F. Ayres and Sons,...
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director of E.N.V. Engineering Co., Lid MR. W. 0. KENNING - roN has resigned from the board of directors of Vauxhall Motors,...
R EFERRING to the danger to the freedom of C-licensees, Mr. Frederick Smith wrote in a letter to "The Financial Times" on April...
T HE chairman of COras Iompair Eireann, Mr. A. P. Reynolds, disclosed at the fourth annual general meeting, that the...
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T O promote export trade, Northern Coachbuilders, Ltd., Newcastle-onTyne, is offering N.C.B. electric chassis and bodies...
DINE fuel logs, cut in the timber 1 country around Mount . Gambia_ South 'Australia, form the loads of an Albion 61-ton oiler...
I N accordance with the wishes of the Tipping Vehicles Functional Group, the North Western (Western) Area of the Road Haulage...
MEED for watchfulness against the iN development of an impregnable bureaucracy was stressed by Mr. Ellis Smith, M.P., speaking...
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the export target for commercial vehicles and chassis for the end of 1948 has been cut from a monthlyrate value of £4,950,000...
A LL applications for import licences from any zone of Germany should be made to the Import Licensing Department. 189 Regent...
O F value to traders, operators and executives alike, Glass's Directory of Spare Part Stockists has been issued to all...
the activities of independent hauliers. the Eastern Area of the Road Haulage Association has booked space at agricultural shows...
A REVISED " Raw Materials Guide" has just been published by the Board of Trade. It sets out all the raw materials at present...
F. Simkins, of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., who recently addressed the Birmingham centre of the Institute of Traffic...
WE have been asked by Phcenix VY Crankshaft and Bearing Co., Ltd., to point out that although the company has had great success...
PA A FINE of £10 was imposed by Coventry City Magistrates on Matthews and Co. (Carriers), Ltd., 159, 131ackfriars Road, London,...
A . SKILLED road transport engineer apprenticed to Rolls-Royce, experienced in vehicle manufacture and inspection, and with a...
T HE southern regional sales office of Leyland Motors, Ltd., has been • transferred from the Kingston factory to the company's...
R.H.A. Inspiration Ai RESOLUTION paying high tribute to the services given by Mr. H. T. Duffield. was passed with acclamation...
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LOCAL OPERATORS COMPETE FOR TOURS TRAFFIC COMPLICATIONS are arising in the \-- , operation of extended tours in Scotland...
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A S announced In " The Commercial Motor" last week, the directinjection oil engine to be fitted to the new Morris-Commercial...
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I T has generally been assumed that gas leakage past the pistons, or blow-by as it is usually termed, was caused by the rings...
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A NEW 2-ton chassis has been added to the range of batteryelectric vehicles produced for a wide variety of purposes by Brush...
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F OR the past eight years, RollsRoyce, Ltd., Derby, has been developing a range of petrol engines for commercial use, having...
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By W. R. PARKES T HE vast majority of bodies now being built for, passenger-transport vehicles uses aluminium panelling almost...
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D ESIGNERS are always faced with the problem of producing a chassis which, although it might be fitted with the full-fronted...
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R OM) hauliers are to suffer yet, another 10 per cent. fuel cut, following the acceptance Of a recommendation of the Russell...
20-mile hire car limit is to be ternov.ed. A part of the . recommendations which is being adopted by the Government is that...
'V IEWS on the application of petrol V injection were exchanged when members of the north-eastern centre of the Institution of...
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A NEW ballast-weighted towing bogie, enabling four-wheeled tractors normally employed with semitrailers to be used with...
DROBABLY the only National Trust property to possess its own passenger transport, Lyme Hall and Park, near Stockport, is...
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R EGULAR readers of these articles are aware that, in my view, it rarely happens that the cost per tonmile can be ascertained...
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P ATENT No. 595,520 discioses a hydraulic brake which provides a fast stroke - until resistance is encountered, after which it...