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Export Target Cut Mainly Because Of The Shortage Of Steel,
the export target for commercial vehicles and chassis for the end of 1948 has been cut from a monthlyrate value of £4,950,000 to £3,200,000. These two figures are based on......
Trade With Germany
A LL applications for import licences from any zone of Germany should be made to the Import Licensing Department. 189 Regent Street, London, W 1.. on the standard form ILD / A,......
Finding Sources Of Spares
O F value to traders, operators and executives alike, Glass's Directory of Spare Part Stockists has been issued to all subscribers to the guide service run by Wm. Glass, Ltd.,......
R.h.a. Tells The People To Keep The Public Informed Of
the activities of independent hauliers. the Eastern Area of the Road Haulage Association has booked space at agricultural shows to be held at Ely, Ipswich, Orsett, St. Ives,......
Raw Materials Guide
A REVISED " Raw Materials Guide" has just been published by the Board of Trade. It sets out all the raw materials at present controlled by the Board and by the Ministry of......
Synthetic Tyres Use More Fuel It Seems That Mr. A.
F. Simkins, of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., who recently addressed the Birmingham centre of the Institute of Traffic Administration on the subject of tyres, was incorrectly.......
Sprayed Crankshafts
WE have been asked by Phcenix VY Crankshaft and Bearing Co., Ltd., to point out that although the company has had great success with the American Bonderizing process for......
Unclean Van Leads To Fine
PA A FINE of £10 was imposed by Coventry City Magistrates on Matthews and Co. (Carriers), Ltd., 159, 131ackfriars Road, London, S.E.1, for carrying meat in a van, the inside of......
Fleet Manager Available
A . SKILLED road transport engineer apprenticed to Rolls-Royce, experienced in vehicle manufacture and inspection, and with a sound knowledge of vehicle maintenance and repair.......
Leyland Sales Move
T HE southern regional sales office of Leyland Motors, Ltd., has been • transferred from the Kingston factory to the company's London office at Hanover House, Hanover Square.......
Mr. Dutfield Was
R.H.A. Inspiration Ai RESOLUTION paying high tribute to the services given by Mr. H. T. Duffield. was passed with acclamation at the annual general meeting of the Road Haulage......