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WHEN the Road Haulage Association meets David Howell on Monday, the Secretary of State for Transport will hear arguments...
• A visitto the almost biennial Italian commercial show in Turin usually produces some unusual and exotic bodywork as well as...
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BP OIL's 1,700 tanker drivers are expected to accept a revised wage offer in a vote this week. It takes them broadly into line...
SOUTH WALES hauliers have offered hire or reward drivers a 3.52 per cent wage rise from this month, but the Transport and...
CERTIFICATE of Competence courses held by Motec High Ercall in February obtained a 100 per cent pass rate in both national and...
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A LAST MINUTE rush to have vehicles registered before type approval started on April 1 boosted Leyland's commercial vehicle...
GENERAL MOTORS is still interested in buying Seddon Atkinson from International Harvester, Seddon's ailing parent company. GM,...
FORD has appointed 45 "Line haul" dealers to handle the sales and servicing of Cargo and Transcontinental chassis over 28.5...
RUMOURS of a tie up betwe ERF and Hino on the basis ol company takeover we' scotched by ERF's chairman al managing director...
THE JOBS AXE has fallen on : men at Rolls-Royce's diesel di , sion in Shrewsbury. The net comes a month after 42 pre. sion...
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ST WEEK'S lorry hijack folving the Bristol bank raid ten Tony Halton of Cow and te of Wellingborough was cad to drive one of...
AN EXEMPTION certificate is now available from the Health and Safety Executive to permit the phrase "contact local depot" to be...
A PLEASANT surprise greeted Robert Smith when his £31 cheque for the CM/Road Transport Correspondence Course was returned with...
E ROAD Haulage Association's week-long Spanish conference in , vember is being given a British emphasis. Leyland is to sponsor...
A PARTY of Road Haulage Association Western District members have paid a visit to Westminster to discuss with MPs some of the...
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GERMANY's 50-litre limit on the amount of fuel which may rnported to the country in lorries' fuel tanks will be raised to 200 s...
Abbey's deal ABBEY HILL Group has won a three-year contract with BMW for the distribution of its cars. Abbey Hill has...
THE CENTRE for Extension Studies is holding a series of seminars on hazardous waste treatment and disposal, worker risks from...
THE BUTTON has been pressed a Cargofax, the traffic exchange operational. Earlier this week the 107 member companies linked to...
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Still going Dutch NORFOLK LINE would continue to register its trailers in the Netherlands, even if the Government reversed its...
AN INSURANCE policy based on mileage is being offered to members of the Road Haulage Association and the Freight Transport...
ABERDEEN Parcels, which la into receivership recently April 2) has been taken ova Sutherland's of Peterhead Transport...
ESSEX AND KENT County Councils have added their voices to the growing chorus of dissent over the toll charge on the Dartford...
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Insurance extensions, too FORD's optional second year warranty Extra Cover has been extended to the A-Series, Cargo, 0-Series,...
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Renault gees 260 RENAULT'S plans for the assembly of its G260 38-tonne tractive unit at the Karrier Motors plant in Dunstable...
IN ORDER to overcome accel€ tor cable kinking and water gress which could lead freezing in cold weather, revised sealed cable...
DERWENT MEASUREMENT a Control of Derby is marketi the Trueload electron weighing system, designed eliminate loading error and...
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ITISH ROAD Services has ide David Bassett group engiaring manager with responsiity for the continuing de, ,lopment of the BRS...
Oafs Whiston A COACH DRIVER with National Bus Company subsidiary East Midland Motor Services has received his British Empire...
WE RECORD with regret the death of David Ward of D. Ward (Stirling) Ltd. Mr Ward was born in Glasgow but went to Australia...
THE WEST Mercia and East Midlands Divisions of the Freight Transport Association have elected their officers for 1983-84. West...
ALAN DEAN is the past chairman of the Road Haulage Association's Young Executive Section, and not Alan Wiltshire as reported in...
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METRO-CAMMELL WEYMANN is to offer three rear-engined coaches on the British market in time for next season, and these will be...
A REFUSAL to make availab the full text of a documei prepared by a lecturer i connection with proposals t Clayton Jones Coach...
LEYLAND is designing a Gardner-engined Tiger coach to meet th needs of some customers who might otherwise buy competitor...
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)ACH OF THE YEAR at last aekend's National Coach Rally Blackpool was a high floor rtra S215HD, the only Setra ltered and one...
interiand wins appeal INTERLAND Coaches has won an appeal to Transport Secretary David Howell against London Transport's...
TYNE AND WEAR Passenger Transport Executive coaching subsidiary Armstrong Galley has adopted a new blue, orange red and yellow...
THE ANNUAL Showbus rally is to be held at Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire, on Sunday, September 4. The event, sponsored by...
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Ford of the future FORD has developed Concept Cargo, a development chassis with features which could be incorporated into...
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Scania (Great Britain) Limited is very pleased to announce their new distributor in the West Midlands, Kelly Trucks Ltd. Kelly...
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Clerks can allay the fears of LAs THE ANNUAL reports of the Licensing Authorities for 198182, published a few weeks ago,...
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"WE CAN give any customer what he gets elsewhere — with a little plus." Those are the words of Tony Hammond, director of Peter...
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THE RNA has at last woken up to the fact that it has helped to drive the UK international road haulage industry to the brink of...
PROF. BHASKAR, in his study of the UK and European Motor Industry (CM March 19) deserves bouquets and brickbats for his...
I HAVE just read "Do you know what is stopping you?" by Tim Blakemore (CM March 19) and consider the overall impact just...
IN YOUR leader of January 29 you write that "Seat belts are the answer." It appears that y< do not think that mandatory LI: of...
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FROM A SINGLE warehouse to a major storage and distribution company, that's the achievement of Reigate Warehouses, of...
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MAY 24 was once a day of homage to the holy British Empire when uncomprehending children in schools throughout the country...
DOES U4621 ring a bell with any of my centenarian readers? If it does, Terry Vasey, managing director of the Lewis Electric...
I THOUGHT a jiffy was either a short time or a padded envelope suitable for sending letter bombs to people one has gone off. It...
ANYONE with an L-registered DAF in first-class condition stands a chance of winning a prize in a competition to celebrate the...
WOULD the Southern Irish reader who sent a postal order for 50p for a copy of the Mitsubishi road-test report kindly be after...
WHEN not helping old ladies across the road, youngsters in Somerset are being asked to protect frogs and toads from death on...
LORRY SEATS made by the National Seating Co, of Ohio, USA, float on air but the company's correspondence does not. A folder...
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A new parcels delivery service started in 1980, specialises in total reliability for business users. Someone may have to go but...
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FUEL CREDIT CARDS are not new to the lorry driver — these were in use as "agency cards" long before "plastic money". Garages...
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Payload, fuel and power are outstanding in the Peugeot 504. Tim Blakemore reports DW MANY manufacturers fer a car-derived...
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Some operators hanker for an all-British fleet for carrying all-British goods. Graham Montgomerie meets one in a Gardner...
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Check your insurance cover, warns Greville Janner, QC, MP, looking at a case of crucial importance in road transport THE HIGH...
A COLD WAR has begun bE tween hundreds of lorry-drivE spies from the Eastern Blo countries and Western intell gence agencies,...
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-IE DUTCH ROAD transport industry is planning a powerful sales omotion exercise directed at manufacturers and shippers in...
ANTRAK FREIGHT of Cutler Street, East London, has been appointed UK general agent for Hellas Ferries, of Piraeus, which...
THE CITY of Milan is to take delivery of a specially built highcapacity demount truck for use in a refuse transfer scheme. The...