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T HE railways have selected for their "square deal" campaign a time which, in the view of many wellinform , ;d people in road...
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Suitable Tractors I T has been pointed out by Wanted for Farm Mr. A. Crichton, of the Haulage Rowett Research Institute,...
That the railways don't want to smash road transport—only to grab it. That in this changeable weather a driver setting out on...
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FACTS AND FIGURES OF RAILWAY ROAD WORK. Mr. Burgin stated, last week, that in 1937 the tonnage of non-rail borne merchandise...
A FTER a four days' hearing at Newcastle-on-Tyne, the Appeal Tribunal reserved its decision in an appeal by Alfred Bell...
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MR. E. V. Dvsosi, of Huddersfield, has been appointed transport maintenance superintendent to South Shields Transport...
PROPOSAL FORMS IT has become almost standard 'practice for a proposal form to be completed before any transit insurance is...
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Applying what he described as the acid test, Mr. P. Kershaw, counsel for the railway companies, asked an applicant at...
Oldbury Corporation is to purchase a mechanical road sweeper. Searberough Corporation is to purchase a 30cwt. lorry for the...
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A trailer, which is unique in so far as it has an overall length of 43 ft. 6 ins., has recently been constructed by R. A. Dyson...
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The possibility that national expenditure in other directions would militate against Government grants for road works in the...
Figures for October Show that Marked Decline is still Apparent in Number of Goods and Hackney Vehicles Licensed T HE latest...
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Now He Stands in the Gutter, Asking for a "Square Deal," Since His Booty is Not Sufficient D URING the past week or so, we...
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Four-wheel Steering and Reversible Driving Position Among Interesting Features Incorporated in Design of Machine for Military...
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"Even the Eskimo, Brooding In His icy Solitude, Can Hardly Have Escaped the Heart-rending Plea" THE pious hope that the rail...
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Unusual New Machine Designated the "Jensen Commercial Lightweight," Having Unit Body and Chassis of Hiduminium and Fordson...
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Many Interests Represented in Discussion Following Paper on Producer-gas Read Last Week Before Members of Institute of Fuel....
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• CONSERVATIVES AND ROAD TRANSPORT'S CASE. The Conservative Party Transport Committee asked representatives of the A.R.O., the...
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TYPICAL of the confusion of ideas, concerning costs and charges, which prevails amongst hauliers, was a brief argument which...
A N open meeting of A.R.O, freight brokers was held at Glasgow, last week_ Practically every concern engaged in this section of...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier T HIS series of articles on the calculation of charges, basing that calculation on vehicle...
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With a Factory in the New Team Valley Estate, Holland Coachcrcrft, Ltd., Standardizes Production Without Sacrifice of...
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and QUERIES A CRITIC REPLIES TO CRITICISMS. [5519] 1 have read the letter of Mr. Louis De Silva (No. 5511, December 2), in...
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A 3-4-tonner, a Tractor and a Lightweight, with MarmonHerrington Equipment, to be Marketed by Dagenham Motors, Ltd. THERE are...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent RAIL GETTING UNREMUNERA. TIVE LOADS. I AST week a further crop of ques1.4 tions...
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F OR many years, the West Riding of Yorkshire was regarded as a stronghold of the tramcar, but, in recent years, an almost...
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for Electrical and Injection Equipment An Essex Station Laid Out For Efficient l and Rapid Work Q NE of the essential features...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published A BATCH of live patents, Nos. PI 494,951/2/3/4/6, comes...
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DIVIDEND—TEN PER CENT. At the Second Annual General Meeting of the Company held on December 12th, 1958, Mr. Dunn. in moving...
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QUITE apart from the L4o,000,000 New Works Programme, London Transport has spent in the first five years nearly Lio,000,000 on...