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C URRENT efforts on the part of goods transport operators to speed turnround of vehicles received powerful support last . week...
H ERE is an absolutely certain forecast. When the figures relating to total 1961 exports of commercial vehicles are published...
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T HE militant Canadian Truckin g Association has served a writ upon the state-owned Canadian National Railways to seek a court...
Vlartin Hall T HE incomparable advantage of growing to maturity during the formative years of the road passenger transport...
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A DMISSIONS that some of the radii they had asked for were too wide and that by offering a distribution service they could...
P ASSENGER receipts on the British Transport Commission's provincial and Scottish bus operations rose in 1961 by about £4m....
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QTATISTICS issued by the Road L) Haulage Association this week show that in comparison with the last quarter of 1960 there was...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A NEW round in the protracted pay negotiations on behalf of more than 200,000 busmen up and...
rA A SET of tandem-axle running gear has been supplied by Cranes (Dereharri), Ltd., to Thomas Allen, Ltd. It is being fitted to...
S PBAKING in London early this week at the announcement of the Triumph Courier van and the new Standard 7-cwt. van, Mr. Stanley...
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Mr. H. J. Owen has been appointed Exeter branch manager of the Mercantile Credit Co., Ltd. Mr. Battista Farina, better known...
Put Rack: Because of delays in the production of textbooks, the Institute of Transport is to postpone for one year its revised...
THE manager of an industrial trans1 port department should have a thorough knowledge of other departments and liaison should...
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WHAT is believed to be the first VT articulated bus with independent engines and transmissions in the front section, as well as...
n ETAILS are to hand of some of the British commercial vehicles which will be on display at the Amsterdam Motor Show, which...
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H AULIERS were warned by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, the Northern Licensing Authority, at Newcastle upon Tyne on Tuesday, that he...
WHEN a customer witness told the ' WV Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, that his firm had reduced its rates,...
y ET another contract A switch, involving 16 vehicles, was placed before the North-western Licensing Authority, Mr. F....
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A PROSECUTION appeal against the Pi dismissal by Camberley (Surrey) magistrates of four summonses against All Wheel Drive, ....
T HREE licences held by an 87-yearold bus proprietor were withdrawn for one month by the South Wales Traffic Commissioners at...
F OR many years the Road Traffic Act had maintained a proper system of road haulage in Great Britain, said Mr. J. Edward Jones...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Labour Opposition has disclosed its line of attack on the Transport Holding Company—the...
A SUPPLEMENTARY estimate of £23 million for the British Transport Commission, requested from Parliament last week, reflects...
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TI-IE beginning and the end was the theme of a talk on "Terminals in Transport" given by Mr. T. G. Gibb, chairman and general...
rA A PLAN which, it is claimed, will export coal more quickly than by rail has been evolved by Nottingham and District...
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F INES totalling £240, with costs of 95 gns., were imposed on Davis Brothers (Haulage), Ltd., of Stepney, at Tower Bridge...
A HAULAGE contractor, Eric Donald PA Edwards, whose business address was given as the British Railways Goods Depot, Station...
F EWER new commercial vehicles (21,450) were registered in November, 1961, than in the preceding month (23,072). The number of...
A SUBSTANTIAL participation 'n Ducellier, the largest French manufacturer of automobile electrical equipment. has been...
A STRAIGHT-FRAME single-axle rA semi-trailer with a capacity of 14 tons has been introduced by J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd.,...
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A PPLICAT1ON was made at Glasgow on Monday by Mr. R. MacKinlay, trading as MacKinlay's Detective Agency and Guard Services, of...
by Mr. Nelson B IG development projects in the west country, including the £100 million scheme of I.C.I. at Severnside, were...
A N objector to applications by a Sheffield coach proprietor at Leeds last week for a number of day excursions was told that he...
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U NEASINESS is likely to be the first reaction of road transport operators to the Government's White Paper on incomes policy....
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TRAFFIC signs were the subject of 'an I informal discussion held recently - by the Traffic Engineering Group of the...
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Not Always at Present But What About the Future ? E VEN before Britain's application to join the Common Market, many haulage...
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T HE new B.R.S. general haulage depot at Wolverhampton New Road, Oldbury, was officially opened on Wednesday. Replacing three...
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By A. J. P. WILDING I F appearance, finish, fittings, manoeuvrability and performance are the main considerations in deciding...
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W ITH the announcement this week of the introduction of the Triumph Courier 5-cwt. van, the narne Triumph will be seen on a...
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Suggests Transport Engineer T HE use of aluminium in truck production seems to be almost entirely held down to bodies which...
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THE Northern "As and Ds" contains a • six vehicle application by Robinsons Luxury Tours of Barrow-in-Furness. The vehicles, all...
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The cost of operating 1and 1-litre staff cars is detailed here based on replacement at either oneor two-yearly intervals 1 N...
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Government Stand Firm FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT C ONSERVAT1VE and Labour attempts to allow the railways to expand...
kl. R. HAY rebutted a charge that his department were sending out circulars to local authorities, telling them " in rather an...
for direction indicators are expected from the Ministry of.Transport 'soon. But Mr. John Hay, the Parliamentary Secretary, who...