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London Hauliers Fined
F INES totalling £240, with costs of 95 gns., were imposed on Davis Brothers (Haulage), Ltd., of Stepney, at Tower Bridge Magistrates' Court last week for failing to cause......
Fines Follow Maintenance Offences
A HAULAGE contractor, Eric Donald PA Edwards, whose business address was given as the British Railways Goods Depot, Station Road, Wood Green, London, was fined a total of £208......
Registrations Down In November
F EWER new commercial vehicles (21,450) were registered in November, 1961, than in the preceding month (23,072). The number of registrations was also fewer than in November,......
Lucas Link With French Firm .
A SUBSTANTIAL participation 'n Ducellier, the largest French manufacturer of automobile electrical equipment. has been acquired by Joseph Lucas. Ltd. Before this arrangement,......
Brockho Use Introduce 14-tonner
A STRAIGHT-FRAME single-axle rA semi-trailer with a capacity of 14 tons has been introduced by J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., West Bromwich. Overall length of the trailer is 25......