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says RHA chairman by CM reporter THE economic blizzard had not spared road haulage, said Mr Ken Hatcher, national chairman,...
HAULIERS in the West Country are threatening a ban on services to selected quarries in the area in a dispute over a new rate...
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ENVIRONMENT Secretary Anthony Crosland has no immediate plans to publish a White Paper on transport policy—because, he...
A GENERAL haulage service is now being offered by Ryder Truck Rentals in addition to its truck-hire operation. Three Atkinson...
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A STEAMHAMMER to crack a nut is how the Freight Transport Association this week described the Governent's proposals for...
ALMOST ONE-THIRD of the £2.6m deficit accumulated by Edinburgh Corporation Transport is to be transferred to the Lothian...
A SENIOR civil servant's review of forthcoming legislation, and an operator's view of its likely effect on road transport and...
DoE TRAFFIC regulation orders proposed to implement the Dykes Act's lorry routeing provisions are "far too cornplex and...
A NEW member of the Transport Association has just been named. The company is L. G. Perfect (Haulage) Ltd of Great Yarmouth...
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AN APPEAL by lorry driver David Haynes, an employee of W. H. Bratt Ltd, haulage contractor of Woodend, Stockport, against...
OVERNIGHT parking by heavy lorries in most parts of Glasgow, except in specially designated streets or off-street parks, has...
Better use of existing legal and commercial "tools" could do more to protect hard-pressed hauliers and removers than recent...
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A NEW Middle East vehicle based on the National Freight Corporation's 38-ton specification (page 44 of this issue) is be:ng...
A HIGH LEVEL PROBE is to be conducted into the cperations of the nationalised transport undertakings by a Select Committee of...
THE WEEKEND conference arranged jointly by the RHA agricultural, trailers and livestock groups has been postponed for a...
THE 1975 edition of the Trunk Road Map of Great Britain has been published by the DoE. It shows the position of all trunk roads...
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A CASE in which an operator blamed the effort he was spending on building a new vehicle workshop for the condition his vehicles...
MAJOR new legislation designed to safeguard the safety and health of people at work became law in 1974. The Health and Safety...
THE THREE CMLDoY regional competitions last Sunday ran with eight per cent more entries than in 1974. Wolverhampton—Overall...
A SERIES of one-day seminars on liquidity, price code and capital transfer tax is being organised by the Road Transport...
THE SIXTH Scottish Materials Handling Exhibition is to be held at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, from May 19 to 24. Among the equipment...
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Elim nosedive by STG last year THE Scottish Transport Group, which made a Elm surplus in 1973 had an operating deficit of...
interview by Martin Watkins "TIMES are hard, but I am not despondent," said Ian Irwin, managing director of the Scottish...
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by CM reporter SERVICE regularity is the key to a major reorganisation of bus services and routes in mid Norfolk. The change s,...
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A NEW trailer TIR tilt will be announced next month (June) by NRK (Vehicle Components) Ltd. It features several new departures...
COMING into operation this week are three sets of Regulations which refer principally to the motor vehicles type approval...
AN ANALYSIS of the failed clutch centre plate from the DAF FAD 2205 DU 30-ton eightwheeler tested by CM (April 4 issue) has...
Ken Hatcher was re-elected chairman of the Road Haulage Association at the national council meeting in London on Wednesday....
SUNDAY, May 18 CMI.DoY eliminating rounds at: Buckinghamshire North: Ideal Standard Factory, Milton Keynes. Cumbria: Kingstown...
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makers told by Tim Hoare DEMOUNTABLE equipment manufacturers were attacked for not evolving some standard method of operation...
AN INCREASE in productivity of 20 per cent is being claimed by Cobra Containers Ltd, a Wakefield coke distribution company,...
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TRADE UNIONS show no indication that, while the current situation lasts, they will make do with what they have got. On the...
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tf road transport doesn't put its own house in order, the Government will do so' BAR conference reported by John Darker THE...
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Engineers at Solihull conference hear about the Health and Safety Act, the prospects for new vehicle materials, and the need...
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Mercedes' announcement (CM last week) that it 'is sponsoring research 5nto the impact of the heavy lorry on the British...
It has some times been my sad duty to take State-owned giants to task about the service they offer to their shareholders — you...
It's 'the Balls Pond lorry spotters club, folks I Yes, for the benefit of those who know nothing of North London, Balls Pond...
Such an atmosphere of goodwill cannot, however, last for long. 1 have complained on several occasions about the primitive...
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I was interested in the report (CM May 2) of the RTITB seminar on "Managing during inflation" and somewhat surprised to find Mr...
Would you please help to scotch a rumour to the effect that projecting hinges, gudgeons, anti-Luce fasteners, cotters and...
I read with interest Mr Freers letter (CM April 18) regarding your report (March 28) on the Brewery Transport Advisory...
When police may demand a breath test by Les Oldridge, TEng(CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE A PERSON arrested for being " in charge' of a...
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purchase by Trevor Long croft WITH NEW-VEHICLE costs rising more quickly than second-hand prices, and With the problems of...
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imvs on second-hand Hi fo purchase WITH NEW-VEHICLE costs rising more quickly than second-hand prices, and With the problems...
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use of forged journey permits for Continental journeys and understand that there is, at present, a Bill before Parliament to...
A According to Section 190 (6) of the Road Traffic Act 1972, a motor tractor is a mechanically propelled vehicle which is not...
about reducing the wind resistance of vehicles to improve fuel consumption and quite useful savings can be made apparently....
of loads which may be carried without invoking the Special Loads Order? A Regulation 31 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction...
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The vehicles running to the Middle East are at best modified versions of those used on domestic work and are almost entirely...
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by CM reporter THE National Freight Corporation, whose design participation led to the development of the Scammell Crusader,...
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HAULIERS now react more quickly to cost increases by adjusting rates to cover them and there is a greater willingness on the...
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THE IDEA of travelling in a super luxury coach seems to appeal to most members of the public, as many groups are only too...
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by John Darker, AMBIM MANAGEMENT conferences today almost invariably include iabaur relations topics, and when other subjects...
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A new unit for handling sacks has been developed by Gismatic. Called the Gis Vacujet, the unit needs only finger-tip control by...
Three new lin square drive sockec and attachment sets are now available from Gordon Tools. All the tools are made from chrome...
A new Steady for Hunger Valve Seat turning equipment is now available from E.F. Allchin. The steady has been designed to pivot...
Brownline Ltd has added a new roundhole load securing track to its range of load restraint equipment. The galvanised finish...
The Multikrimp swaging machine from Imperial-Eastman (UK) Ltd, is only 200mm (8in) high and weighs 24kg (541b). Three sets of...