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T HERE is considerable concern amongst some of the associations representing the trade and industry of the country as to the...
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A Railway Time-table QOME amusement was caused Becomes an Act of lb—rat a Ministry of Transport Parliament . . . inquiry on...
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Of a passenger who thought that a trolleybus boom was the result of I.R.A.. activities. That this bombing business is keeping...
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A CCORDING to a recently issued PA Ministry of Transport return, the number of mechanically propelled vehicles for which...
("NNE was able to sense a distinct grievance amongst motor traders against the commercial-vehicle manufacturer on the occasion...
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A N application by Messrs. Thompson Bros., of New Mills, for an A licence for two vehicles, in continuation of an existing...
T HE Council of the Tramways, Light Railways and Transport Association has made representations • to the Treasury asking for a...
Mr. Leslie Burgin, the Minister of Transport, has appointed MR. G. A. W. SMITR to be his assistant private secretary. Sir...
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AGRLVIOTOR USERS UNFAIRLY RESTRICTED? I T is learnt that the National Farmers' Union and Scottish Chamber of Agriculture have...
D 1TRING the year ended March 31, 1938, the Road Fund contributed £19,000,000 towards highway expenditure, nearly half for...
1 — Ithe provisional road - rail agreement, resulting from the "square deal " negotiations. holds for the tbaci-haulage...
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d -IN the occasion of the application of • --- 0 G. and B. Watson, Ltd., Whittlesey, to the Eastern Licensing Authority, at...
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" f TNLESS you can call the customer ‘..-Jor his you as witness, I shall find some difficulty in granting your application,"...
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LANCASHIRE MOTORWAY TOO COSTLY. I N the House of Commons, last week, Captain Austin Hudson announced that, in the present...
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T HE first trolleybuses to comply with the revised Ministry of Transport Regulations affecting ground clearance, are now being...
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LET US HAVE VOLUNTARY CO-OPERATION AT ONCE. B EING a regular reader of your journal and of The "Motor, both of which I am...
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F ITTING an oil engine into a lorry chassis is usually considered to be work for a well-equipped shop, but when necessity...
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Benefits the Motor industry O F late, metallurgy has not received its fair share of general publicity as regards the work it...
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for a used vehicle? O N January 6, in The Commercial Motor, it was asserted that most operators, when they exchange their old...
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1 T is claimed for the Ford VS 24 h.p. 15-cwt, television van, just put into service by E. K. Cole, Ltd., the wellknown...
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A T the Scottish Show, in November of last year, the Thornycroft Nippy first appeared before the public eye. Exhibited as a...
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A NEW design of hydraulic, piston-type shock absorber, specially constructed for heavy duty on commercial vehicles, has just...
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THE FUNCTION OF " THE THE FUNCTION OF " THE STANDING JOINT." S.T.R. 's Second Week in Lancs To avoid any misunderstanding, we...
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ftIIEMBERS of the general public in attended in large numbers at a road v. rail debate, on Tuesday evening, under the auspices...
T INDERGROUND roads, leading out %..." from mast large cities, was a future " probability " pointed out by Lord Astor at a...
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T HIS week I will resume the arguments proving that the haulage rates offered by Durham County Council are inadequate. Table...
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S IDE doors as well as end doors, or roller shutters, are desirable features for a baker's van which makes several calls, often...
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• PT-HE effect of the announcement of 1 the prospective road-rail peace pact was strikingly manifested at Coventry, when a...
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A Napplication for the transfer of a bus station from Lumley Road, Skegness, to Drummond Road, was made by Barton Transport,...
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I N the final month of 1938 the registrations of new commercial vehicles closed on a decidedly dull note, thus maintaining a...
L AST week, at a meeting of the Western Traffic Commissioners, the chairman, Mr. Trevor Morgan, K.C., addressed those present...
B ETWEEN 300 and 400 persons attended the annual staff dance held by F. Perkins, Ltd., at the Angel Hotel, Peterborough, on...
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F ROM Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Tolpits Lane, Watford, and others, comes patent No. 498,144, describing improved loading...