17th February 1939, Page 54
17th February 1939
Page 54

Page 54, 17th February 1939
New Goods-vehicle Registrations Fall By 9,000 In 1938
I N the final month of 1938 the registrations of new commercial vehicles closed on a decidedly dull note, thus maintaining a tendency that had been all too prevalent throughout......
Urgency Of Rallying Defence Transport
L AST week, at a meeting of the Western Traffic Commissioners, the chairman, Mr. Trevor Morgan, K.C., addressed those present on the position of road transport in the event of......
Successful Perkins Function
B ETWEEN 300 and 400 persons attended the annual staff dance held by F. Perkins, Ltd., at the Angel Hotel, Peterborough, on Friday of last week. Included among the visitors were......