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VOlt many ydars various investigators have. endeavoured -to employ fuels heavier than commercial motor spirit in the cylinders...
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Few complaints from the Parliamentary_ Bar. That motor haulage contractors may travel prosperity by the beetroot route....
They were on night-trek in Sussex and had broken down beside a small wood. In the middle of repairs Bill, the sentimentalist,...
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The wheeta of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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WEST Bareewion Corporation has placed a repeat order for Guy 30-seater buses. ROME - REAM Corporation is buying another three...
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The Importance of Measures for Securing Stronger Bridges. London By-pass Roads. Insurance and the Hospitals. By Our Special...
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T HE progress which is being made in the development of six-cylinder chassis for goods transport work is 'exemplified by the...
A NEAT little compressor for pneamatic-tyre inflation is being made and marketed by F. Bullock, of Culeheth Lane Works, Newton...
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A Well-known Chassis Maker and a Bodybuilder Co-operate in the Production of an Interesting Vehicle. MIIE value of the motor...
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The New Model 428 A.E.C. Chassis for 4-ton Loads and the Novel Arrangement of Cab. S AT E are able in this issue to give this...
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A Popular Method of Assessing Charges, How Wrong it is, and What it Leads to. HAVE lately been looking into some rather...
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An Ingenious Power Unit Utilizing Constant Compression to Obtain Economy. A N ENGINE of a particularly interesting pattern has...
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A Feature of Design or of Subsequent Alteration which Simplifies Maintenance and Secures Longer Engine Life. I N recent years...
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F IFTEEN years ago any engineer responsible for the design of commercial vehicles would probably have stated, if asked, that in...
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By Ulsterman. T HE makings of an " illigant foight " are coming to a head in Belfast, and it will be "the mercy of God" if...
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A Consideration of Decided Cases which have Served to Clarify the Position. A LTHOUGH the cases on the question of what...
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T1 1 13RING the time that a vessel is -1-./ travelling on the high seas from port to port it is a money-earning proposition, so...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and 'Coach World. MANCHESTER'S GROWING USE OF BUSES. Features that are Revealed...
Alleged Unfavourable Attitude to Bus Traffic Attributed to Unrestricted Competition Between Rival Companies. - E1ROM the...
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Changes in Charges Brought About by a Better Understanding Amongst Proprietors. IIHERE is a much better element of 1 stability...
A Report of the Proceedings at a Ministry of Transport Inquiry into an Appeal by a Large Concern Against a Decision of the...
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Some Details of the Working of the Municipal Tramcars, Motorbuses and Trolley-buses. I N our issue for last week we briefly...
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The Impressions Obtained from Our Conversations with Leading Trade Men on the Nottingham Show Ground. T HE opening day of the...
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Some Details of the 1928 Designs Secured by Visiting the Stands on which they were Exhibited at the Royal Show. O NE of those...
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Details of a Device which May Do Much to Lengthen the Life of Gears and Bearings. riNE of the most novel devices which was...
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Interesting Contributions from Maintenance Engineers Drivers and Mechanics. Broken Magneto Rocker. arm Springs.. S OM time...
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A Rdsurrid of Recently POlished Patent Specifications. "DATENT specification No. 291,677, Alfred M. Alcock, of Wigan, points...