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in order to twist the tail of a powerful customer who arbitrarily forces down rates is novel, and is probably unpalatable to...
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7 rederick Neal N EARLY 30 years ago Albert Frederick Neal was faced with the opportunity of making a double change in his...
J OHN MOON, technical editor of The Commercial Motor, will be performing tomorrow in a curtainraiser to a fortnight's pageant...
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9oub le-Edged r - ILLR. H. T. BUTTRESS paid a back-handed compliment to the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., and YorkVest...
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T O find more than 4,000 drivers and conductors to staff London Transport buses is the task of a joint sub-committee of...
A SERIES of applications for increased tonnage and maintenance units, by Sutton and Son (St. Helens), Ltd., Eltonhead Road, St....
THERE was a risk that adrninistra lion of British bus companies would be seriously affected unless the pay and prospects of...
-THE organization of Manchester 1 Haulage, Ltd., McKiernan House, Oxford Street, Manchester, and their maintenance methods were...
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W hesitation, any hestation, the Western Traffic Commissioners granted fare increases to the Bristol Omnibus Co., Ltd., for...
QAVINGS of £144,000 a year on fuel 'Jell could be made by Birmingham Transport Department if they bought their supplies from...
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G REAT interest in the display of commercial vehicles (described in The Commercial Motor last week) was shown by the Duke of...
(Birmingham), Ltd., is to retire. " MR. L. H. ALLw000 has become chairman of Cranes (Dcreham), Ltd., following the death of...
delivery arrangements have been made by British Railways in connection with the operation of a new goods train, the East Essex...
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rl A WASTE-PAPER merchant was —refused a B licence to carry goods within a 50-miles radius of a paper works by Mr. W. F. Quin,...
P ARTIAL success met an application, by Mr. John J. Kane, 55 Main Street, Salsburgh, for continuation and variation of B...
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r t i US companies in the United Kingdom were maintaining traffic at some." thing like 50 per cent, above the pre-war level,...
T HE problem of transportin g caravans and mobile homes, which exceeded 22 ft. in len g th, was raised at Glasgow, on Monday,...
TH E rush to deliver Christmas turkeys last year resulted in 60 cases of excessive driving hours and failure to keep records...
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T HE Minister of Transport knew that the real answer to crowded roads was modernization on a scale not yet attempted, said...
A N attempt to re-enter the haulage industry was made by T. Hesketh. Ltd., Liverpool, when they applied to Mr. F. Williamson,...
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B RITISH RAILWAYS unsuccessfully opposed an application by Mr. Richard Read, Longhope, Glos, before Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western...
/TORE facilities were needed to cope with a 'subitantial increase in tanker traffic, said Mr. F. Williamson; North Western...
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U NPAID transport charges, which amounted to about £1,500, were not included in the statement of earnings presented to Mr. W....
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A FARES grant, calculated to be worth £362,000 in a full year, was 1-1 awarded to United Automobile Services, Ltd. by the...
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A N analysis of all accidents involving commercial-vehicle drivers in physical injury should be undertaken to determine the...
Chichester Corporation are recommended to order a Lewin sweeper. North Riding County Council are to acquire a Morris 10-cwt....
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By P.A.C. Brockhigton, A.M.I.Meeh.E. O VER many years, the design and development work of the Birmingham and Midland Motor...
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NAEANS to reduce the tendency for the IVA wheels of an air-braked heavy vehicle to lock have been developed by the Hydro-Aire...
McCreath (Haulage), Ltd. Cap. E10,000., Dirs.: H. G, McCreath, and P. McCreath, 6 Castle Terrace, Berwick on Tweed. Sec.: G....
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Cut Rates are Not Entirely the Fault of Clearing Houses, Who Could Not Long Remain in Business If Hauliers Refused...
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E VERY subject has a political angle . if enough time and ingenuity can be devoted to finding it; Until the . .. other day one...
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T HE long-awaited 5-cwt. van versions of the Austin Seven and Morris Mini-Minor cars were announced on Tuesday. Like the...
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C LEANSING services would have to be improved in efficiency to keep costs within reascinable bounds in the face of reductions...
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T HE Thames .• Valley Traction Co., Ltd., could not afford to lose any more traffic, otherwise unremunerative meat services...
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General Motors Revive. the Stirling External combustion engine Design Originated in 1816: Wide Fuel Range and Quiet Operation...
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By G. W. Irwin Former Secretary, Eastern Area, . Road Haulage Association T HOSE who have been living by and with road...
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p UBLICITY given to discreditable transport activities taking place at and near the sites of many large building and mad-making...
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OR the past eight years, the Chicago Transit Authority have been operating single-deck buses equipped with sparkignition...
THE best interests of traffic circulation as a whole were not served by the present emphasis on construction of new motorways...
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A SURVEY of the growing use of car transporters was made by The Commercial Motor on March 25 and April 1, including comparisons...
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A LTHOUGH no one could disagree CA•that road casualties would be.greatly reduced if safety belts were more widely used, these...
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A COOLING fan, fitted with an auto matically operated clutch controlled by the temperature of the coolant, is shown in patent...