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4,000 Workers Must Be Found By L.t.e.
T O find more than 4,000 drivers and conductors to staff London Transport buses is the task of a joint sub-committee of management and union representatives, which met in London......
B.t.c. Combat Claims For Extra Vehicles : Maintenance...
A SERIES of applications for increased tonnage and maintenance units, by Sutton and Son (St. Helens), Ltd., Eltonhead Road, St. Helens, was strongly opposed by the British......
Key Men Want More Money
THERE was a risk that adrninistra lion of British bus companies would be seriously affected unless the pay and prospects of senior administrative staff were improved promptly.......
Hauliers Criticized By Authority
-THE organization of Manchester 1 Haulage, Ltd., McKiernan House, Oxford Street, Manchester, and their maintenance methods were strongly criticized by Mr. F. Williamson, North......