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E VERYONE NERYONE who has visited the Commercial Motor Exhibition at Olympia is Convinced that it is certainly the finest that...
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F ROM time to time we make a point of reminding haulier readers of the importance of keeping themselves well informed of trade...
- A/[ANY are the opinions put forward as to the J-V-I-future of the London Passenger Transport Bill. The Prime Minister has...
by the public. At Olympia last week, Mr. Arthur Spurrier, of Leyland Motors, Ltd., during the course of a speech, stated that a...
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O N Tuesday last members of the Commercial Motor Users Association and the Long Distance Road Haulage Association were guests...
"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Of the 4,069 million journeys made last year on London's buses, tramways and railways, the largest number (1,958 million) was...
Mr. L. H. Merryweather, who was formerly with the Vulcan concern as manager of its Manchester depot, has now joined the sales...
At a joint meeting of the Institute of Transport, the Town Planning Institute and the National Housing and Town Planning...
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A recently issued Ministry of Transport return shows that 13,577 motor vehicles were registered for the first time under the...
Hull Corporation has accepted tenders for the supply of 12 A.E.C. double-decker chassis costing £890 each, and eight...
Hums city engineer is to obtain quotations for the supply of three 2i-3-ton end-tipping vehicles. The watch committee of LEEDS...
A RECENT introduction. of C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd., of Acton, London, W.3, consists of a new starter of the axial type. This...
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THE ROADS AND TRANSPORT EXHIBITION T HIS year the number of concerns exhibiting at the Public Works, Roads and Transport...
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A System which Minimizes Frame Torsion and Provides for "No-load" Conditions O N July 29th, 1930, we described a suspension...
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THE SOLUTION of RATE-CUTTING By W. R. JACKSON, The Warpool Transport Co. H AVING stated, in last week's issue of The...
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is constructed of aluminium alloy, there are several interesting features in the new Scammell articulated six-wheeled tanker....
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THE PARIS SHOW Numerous New Models will Figure Amongst a Collection of Interesting Exhibits. Oil Engines to the Fore....
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ago, there was, by reason of the large number of bare chassis exhibited, a really good opportunity for the vehicle operator to...
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The Fleet Parcelcar has an Unusual Chassis and a 51 h.p. Single-cylindered Engine. The Price of the Chassis is £75 A N...
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AT OLYMPIA A R6un-1 of the Papers and Discussions, During the Show Period, Under the Auspices of Various Important...
O N Saturday, November 7th, two papers were read L./before a conference of the Omnibus Society, at Olympia, during the...
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U NDER the chairmanship of Mr. J. Howley, C.B.E., members of the Omnibus Owners' Association held a meeting at Olympia on...
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THE HE chair at the meeting of the Association of London Omnibus Proprietors was taken by the President of the Association, Mr....
T AST Tuesday there was a confer ence of the Commercial Motor Users Association, which was followed by a luncheon, at which...
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O N November 10th a promising public meeting was held at Olympia under the auspices of the Short Distance Hauliers Alliance....
O N Wednesday last there was an attendance of about 100 people at the public meeting called under the auspices of the National...
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T I - 111 first annual meeting of the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, Ltd., since its formation into an...
O N the occasion of a Conference, held at Olympia on Thursday last, organized by the Municipal Tramways and Transport...
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GOODS BODYWORK A MARKED tendency evidenced by the goods-carrying bodywork seen at Olympia was certainly that of utilizing...
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MHE Goodyear type K rim for giant pneumatic tyres is of interest alike to owners of new and old vehicles, as well as to...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3571] Sir,—We have been running coach services to south-coast towns for a number of years...
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A Torque Converter Embodying a Two-way Clutch Controlling an Hydraulic System and a Direct Drive TAURING the period of the...
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Already 50 Members of New Coach Section of Motor Omnibus Proprietors Association MEM new Coach Section which has been...
This Opportunity to Put Forward the Operators' Views Must Not Be Lost I N our issue dated November 3rd, on page 387, we...
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Some Signs of Public Sympathy Evidenced. Authoritative Speeches A T the public 'meeting held on November 9th by the Roadways...
East Midland Sittings. WE are requested by the Commis sioners for the East Midland Area to advise operators that the...
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A GASIFIER, to permit the use of heavy oils as fuel for petrol engines of normal compression, is being introduced into this...
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A Msumg of Recently Published Patent Specifications I N patent No. 352,856, Harold Andrews, of the Harold Andrews Grinding...