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The news that London Transport is to halt its development programme for one-man operated buses — which would have meant no...
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by John Darker • A labour relations liaison committee representing dockers, road transport workers and their respective...
for its transport, air freight, and distribution expertise in the Common Market. Mr Len Payne, NFC director of technical...
the Dunfermline haulage company of M. A. Wilson and Sons has ceased business and its 45 drivers have been dismissed (CM...
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• Howitt Transport Ltd and Howitt Brothers Ltd of Bootle, whose vehicles continued to be blacked by Liverpool dockers despite...
• The GLC's Green Paper on Traffic and the Environment was preoccupied with the movement of people and laid insufficient...
Now that busmen are moving into the £2000 a year class they are becoming liable for tax on their free travel passes. Mr Larry...
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from our Parliamentary correspondent • Mr John Peyton, the Minister for Transport Industries, was warned on Wednesday that the...
• Mr John Peyton, announced on Tuesday that, subject to the appropriate Parliamentary procedures, the Anglo /Spanish Road...
• The go-slow by engineers at two hgv test stations at Brinnington, near Stockport, Cheshire and Heywood, in Lancs, spread this...
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ky our Parliamentary correspondent • Members of Parliament who are vanting to see an "about turn" in the switch freight...
• New goods vehicles will be checked for faults under a new service announced by the Freight Transport Association. This...
• The "Transport" Council at Brussels last week was unable, through lack of time, to take a decision on the renewal of the...
• Plans for a £ lm expansion programme over the next eighteen months have been announced today by Mr Jack Stanworth, the new...
• Faster vehicle approval for TIR operation should result from a series of discussions which have just been concluded between...
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• "Improvements to the A45 cannot possibly cater for the increase in traffic in the coming years between the Midlands and East...
• To interfere with the free movement a road traffic would be fatal to the econom: of the West Country, Mr John Well chairman...
• It was up to members of the Road Haulage Association to give the man in the street a better image of road transport, said the...
• A proposal to ban overtaking by heavy vehicles on certain sections of M5 has been rejected by the Freight Transport...
• The inaugural meeting of the Cambridge and Isle of Ely centre of the National Guild of Transport Managers' was held on...
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• The Humber McVeigh Ltd transport group is expanding its warehousing facilities. At Colsterworth, Lines, just off Al, a...
• The London and Bristol centres of the Institute of Traffic Administration made transport history this week when they held a...
• North Sea Ferries are to open a ro-ro freight service between Hull (King George Dock) and Zeebrugge (Prins Filipsdok) on...
• William Nutt all Transport Ltd and its subsidiary companies made a tax-paid profit for the year ended March 31 1972 of...
• P&O Road Services have combined the warehousing and distribution operations of Northern Warehouse Services and Thomas Allen...
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• Dr Tony Ridley, director-general of Tyneside PTE, expects to quadruple the number of commuters using what is claimed to be...
• Local government re-organization would confer on the new councils the widest planning power for transport ever. This was said...
• Costing for coach operators is the subject of two one-day seminars to be held by the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association...
• London Transport is to begin operating its own Dial-a-Ride service shortly after Christmas. It will serve Hampstead Garden...
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to call a halt to its programme of converting all its fleet to one-man operation by 1978. Since 1964 LT has been saying that...
• A record accumulated deficit of £3m is anticipated for Glasgow Transport Department by next May, according to a recent...
a minibus service between Port Ellen, Islay, and the Islay Airport at Glenegedale was continued at Glasgow by the Traffic...
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• Evidence by independent passengers helped a private Ayrshire bus operator to secure an express service in the face of...
• The newly created PTA for the Greater Glasgow Area has decided that the director-general, who will be appointed to head the...
• Adam Cramond and Son, of Edinburgh, oldest bus operators in Edinburgh, starting with horse-drawn sightseeing tours in 1891,...
• The Northern area Traffic Commissioners have granted permission to Trimdon Motor Services Ltd, and Gillette Bros Motor...
• Following the lead set by the SELNEC PTE, London Transport is to conduct its own comparative trial on two makes of...
• Twenty-five shops in Ealing, Acton, Chiswick, Greenford and Brentford will from Monday be selling bus tickets. Newsagents,...
• Leicester City Council's traffic committee is to provide a second car park for the Park 'n' Ride System, pioneered by...
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• Roy Bowles Transport have successfully appealed against a ruling last year that negligence by a carrier was excluded from...
• Mr T. Smillie, of Kilmarnock, had his fleet of six vehicles and four trailers reduced to four vehicles and two trailers by...
• A Wakefield stone company, which had its 0 licence curtailed by one vehicle last year, received a much stiffer penalty when...
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• Not guilty verdicts on all charges against the three TGWU officials, accused of blackmailing Craddocks Road Services...
• Consequences of the serious fire which destroyed a maintenance depot were blamed for a series of offences which landed a...
• Of four vehicles belonging to W. J. Higman and Son Ltd inspected by a vehicle examiner one was issued with an immediate GV9,...
• Although Mr H. G. Williams of Salford, Lancashire, maintained and repaired other operators' vehicles he paid very little...
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1111 Two appeals were considered by the Transport Tribunal last Friday and in both 7equests were made that if the appeals were...
Don Grimster, who is transport manager of Texaco Ltd and also has responsibility for the transport engineering side, has been...
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• The design of a 2250ga1 waste-ciiiposal tanker, recently evolved by Fusion (Bickenhill) Ltd, Solihull, Warks, was inspired by...
• A Land-Rover specially converted to meet the requirements of the plant hire industry is now available from Dale Plant Hire...
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view by the Hawk • Champagne party Flying past NCL headquarters in John Street in London was hazardous even for old birds like...
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by Trevor Longcroft pictures by Dick Ross AMPLE EVIDENCE is at hand at the Public Works Congress and Exhibition at Olympia...
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Parking law proposed change.. difficult for commercials • The driver has always been responsible for traffic offences in the...
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PNIENT RYDER INFLUENCI TRUCK DESIGN? by Paul Brockington MiMechE Increasing engine life; improvin, transmissions; reducing...
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Burgoyne talked about paying hard cash to the RTITB for training drivers. He does not think of the driver who has to pay out of...
letters about foreign vehicles (CM September 22). If Mr M. J. Curtis thinks that the Crusader compares with the foreign...
Handyman's reference to tubeless tyres in his article on tyre bills (CM September 29). The repairing and retreading of...
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New licence applicants and those seeking renewal or restoration are all liable to be called to a public inquiry so that their...
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Time for a revaluation FOR 35 years the road haulage industry was moulded by the carriers' licensing system. The Transport Act...
Harry Clarney • The well-being of his fellow road haulier iJ close to the heart of Harry Clemey who hai spent all his working...
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Jo need to despair about increasing risks of rusting; here are many remedies and preventives available. HE USE OF SALT for...
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CORROSION is an endemic problem with steel in Britain; like the common cold it is bound up with our damp, island climate....
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by Johnny Johnson NO LONGER need operators be dismayed by the time that vehicles are off the road in order for accident...
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Some of the new or novel equipment items seen at this autumn's transport exhibitions By Trevor Longcroft A PRODUCT I have not...
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by Trevor Longcroft AMIRTE Specialist repairers can save operators time and money when components break BEFORE condemning a...
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by Paul Brockington Constant battering by salt and grit of vehicles on high-speed runs and spillage when loading create the...
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workshop by Handyman Tyre bills use tact and save money • The case of the rapidly wearing radials • What the manufacturer...
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in the Show Number of Commercial dolor (September 22), mention is made of he Detroit Diesel 8V-71 T turbocharged , ngine. The...
articulated ractive unit weighing approximately 4+ ons, fitted with a fork-lift conversion. This vehicle is taxed as a mobile...
hgv drivers' lie ences which comes into force in November 1973. As supplier of commercial vehicles we find ourselves in a...
any of today's incentive bonus schemes concerning hgv drivers "in toto". I have been informed however, that this refers only to...
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by John Darker, AMBIM Computer control in distribution FOR some years computer programmes designed to reduce road transport...
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by Les Oldridge, AM1RTE, MIMI Safety of loads THE publication of the Code of Practice "Safety of Loads on Vehicles", HMSO,...