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In The Article On Engine Developments
in the Show Number of Commercial dolor (September 22), mention is made of he Detroit Diesel 8V-71 T turbocharged , ngine. The concept of using a turbocharger o scavenge the......
Q We Operate A Foktfork Demonstration Unit Which Is...
articulated ractive unit weighing approximately 4+ ons, fitted with a fork-lift conversion. This vehicle is taxed as a mobile crane a £5 a year and is never used to 'raw a......
In Cm July 28 You Announced The New Legislation For
hgv drivers' lie ences which comes into force in November 1973. As supplier of commercial vehicles we find ourselves in a quandary. We have been supplying vehicles under 3 tons......
Q I Am Convinced That Entry To The Eec Will Veto
any of today's incentive bonus schemes concerning hgv drivers "in toto". I have been informed however, that this refers only to drivers hauling goods for profit — and not to hgv......