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Happenings at the first British Association of Owner-Drivers' annual conference at the weekend gave the lie to a lot of hopes...
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IE BRITISH Association of vner Drivers is now almost rtainly dead, following the iignation of the chairman, .:.e-chairman and...
MORE than 1,300 Scottish drivers have threatened to strike if the Road Haulage Association Scottish area does not improve its...
'RANSPORT Minister Villiam Rodgers this week enied that there is a conflict f interest between the ppointment of Robert...
THE 40 - tonne lorry would not increase hardship in this country — on the contrary, it could be a big environmental and...
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LEYLAND is to move production of its Marathon 2 vehicle to Watford by next June and close down the AEC plant at Southall with...
UK COMMERCIAL vehic sales at 22,836 units rose 161/2 per cent in Octob compared with Otober 1977. During the first 10 mont...
GREATER Glasgow PTE's bus strike is now four weeks old and is showing no sign of an early resolution. GGPTE personnel manager...
"I HAVE NONE" . . that was the terse no-nonsense answer given by Transport Minister William Rodgers when he was asked in the...
COMMERCIAL VEHICLE will continue to be turned o at Chrysler's plants in Lut( and Dunstable — and ti takeover by Peugeot-Citro(...
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DADS campaigners are claiming a ctory over the rail lobby after the !feat of objections to the M25 motoray plan at the public...
['flirty-seven Hestair Dennis imployees—including four senior staff nembers—have been made redundant is a result of lost export...
DENIS HOWELL has not got the easiest job in the Government. As Minister of State for the Environment, just one step down from...
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RANSPORT Minister kTilliam Rodgers could be sked by a ministerial colleaue to consider diverting heavy - affic away from the...
MPROVEMF.NTS to the North Devon link road were called for ast week when Freight Transport Association Devon and :ornwall...
k DECISION expected last week on the future of the Warring:on operation of Shelliway Transport Ltd (CM, Nov 10) was postponed...
A FATAL accident involving a single-axle converter dolley trailer has become the object of a private prosecution against a...
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A PERMANENT solution to the troubles of Scotland's Bedford CF280 ambulances appeared to have been found as we went to press...
THE CHAOTIC conditions a last month's NEC motor shol have prompted Tricentrc Chassis Developments to tak its Telma products...
YORK Technical Services has introduced a new air suspension suitable for single, tandem or tri-axle semi-trailers. York believe...
THE ROAD Haulage Association claims it has won over £1,60 on behalf of members who had contacted its technical commit tee. Its...
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REATER London Council's anning and communications )licy committee leader Shegh Roberts has hailed the urley Way common user...
THE development of properly designed seats is being hindered by international commercial and political interests in the motor...
1ARDINGS Wirral Ltd., coach operators and removal contracors, have moved from Charing Cross to new premises at 11 Aihetstone...
THE Freight Forwarding business will turn down during 1979 and the one man operation dealing only in import/export...
FINLAND has reminded British hauliers that they need valid permits to operate into its territory. It says that although...
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WITH Christmas decorations returning to the West End of London for the first time for many years, the Metropolitan Police has...
GREY-GREEN Coaches of London have experimentally fitted to one of its coaches an electronic tourist guide to tell passengers...
THE CHINA Motor Bus Company, Hong Kong has taken delivery of six Ailsa Mark 2 double-decker buses. One of the batch is fitted...
ELDERLY people should havl higher pensions to allow then to pay their way on publi■ transport, says the Associa tion of...
TELMA Focal 155 electri, retarders are now being fitte( to Green Line Coache operating limited-stop ser vices in the London...
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1E Scottish Bus Group is claiming a huge subsidy of £707,000 r 1979, nearly double this year's. Tayside Regional Council...
AFTER many months of rumour and discussion, a coach park is now open at Wellington Barracks, London. The park has room for 50...
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THE SCAMMELL Commander tank transporter was available for driving impressions at the MVEE last week, and I was able to take it...
A TYRE pressure sensing device capable of transmitting a warning signal to the driver has been developed primarily for use on...
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[HE VOLVO F7 looks like a worthy successor to the old F86, at least from a driver's oint of view. That was the impression I...
TWO NEW power wreckers, for the recovery of cars and light vans, from Ernest Holmes of America are being distributed by Crane...
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"THERE is no doubt that acceptance and awareness of the philosophy, style and application of PDM is gathering momentum...
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am writing to let you know how timulating my colleague, Allan /eck of Howard Tenens Interlational, and I found the visit of...
(labia You printed in your issue of October 1 0 a letter from a seemingly concerned psv dealer, blithering about used psv...
On October 28, I travelled from Keighley to the NEC with the object of seeing the MetroCammell, Rolls-Royce and Gardner stands,...
dela wed The discussion on the format and location of the next combined Car and Commercial Vehicle Show is now taking place....
Skew I read in your October 13 issue comments by representatives of the big manufacturers that although they expected to have...
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e by Graham Montgomer e IN THIS, the first article in a regular fortnightly series, Graham Montgomerie looks at recent...
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HOW DID you choose your last new or used vehicle? Competitive purchase price? Or what is known fashionably as brand loyalty —...
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HE BRITISH Association of Owner-Drivers held its first and diet was probably its last national conference in Coventry 1st...
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THE CURRENT mood among Swiss road transport operators and users, conditioned by the recent surprise acceptance of a...
BETTER organisation and a new set of regulations, taking into account suggestions made by European coach operators who took...
CONTINUING growth of East European activities in international haulage practice already marked by the appointment of operating...
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WHATEVER the Thames Barrier means to the populace of London, seemingly very little at the moment, for C. J. Pryor (Earthmoving...
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SKIP-LOADER lorries have brought a revolution to the world of waste disposal over the last 10 years. No longer need a tipper...
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FOR URBAN delivery work many operators employ chassis cabs or chassis cowls with bodies specially built on to meet their...
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ONLY hauliers with an inflation-proof sense of humour might have t raised a faint smile at the furious barking of Price...
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According to Eaton News, 'the ingenious Americans have recently launched a totally new concept in trucking by producing a...
It appeared that only the RHA was not officially represented at the CIT anniversary lunch last week. Did they know something...
Twenty-four dogs-in-the-m nger on the Greek island of Spetsai have each been s ntenced to five months in prison and fined £100...
Anyone who drives when feeling below par is more likely to have an accident than one who is on top of his form. This blinding...
For 32 years only motor vehicles took part in the annual hiring ceremony to mark the traditional right of the Worshipful...
Alan Wheatley, who communicates so amiably on behalf of National Carriers, blinked and rubbed his eyes. Well he might, for 7.30...
According to the Daily Telegraph, 150 engineers and cleaners employed by the Easter Counties Omnibus Co recently went on...
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NEARLY 700 companies are represented at this year's Public Works and Municipal Services Exhibition held at the National...
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Clive Beattie has taken over from David Brown as managing director of Tankfreight Ltd, the National Freight Corporation's group...
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All four senior officers on the CM Lorry Driver of the Year Association will serve for a further year, following their...
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Ifs not just advertising As you read what others have written and said about Sherpa you'll gather it was not easy to improve...