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R EASONED and informed thought appears to have been given by the Coinmittee on Road Safety to the considerable range of...
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rONTRARY to rumour, Mr. Alfred Barnes has not been removed from the Ministry of • Transport. His survival in the Prime...
Accurate Machines XTREME accuracy in Which Require Care" machining often demands ful Nursing , , more attention than merely...
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How green are our political bosses. That Britain must change from reverse to top. That after all it was only small...
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BIG SWITCH FROM RAIL TO ROAD TRANSFER of goods to road trans'. port in order to relieve the railways is likely to extend beyond...
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" L'OR better or for worse, the I country is now committed to a nationalized system of transport and it is the duty of all men...
E XPORTS of commercial vehicles, Ls including industrial trucks, general haulage tractors and trailers, declined heavily in...
main dealers are at present taking a course of instruction in the Perkins oil engine at the Peterborough works of F. Perkins,...
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A N approach to the British Transport Commission has been made by the National Conference of Road Transport 'Clearing Houses,...
Department, Ms retired, and has been succeeded by MR. LESLIE H. SMITH, who has been with the department since 1927. MR. P....
meet ing of the Road Haulage Wages Board, held on October 7, can now be given. We understand that reclassification of vehicle...
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W ITH the need for saving electricity increasing in urgency, special interest attaches to a warning system that was installed...
near future, see sugar beet and potatoes loaded direct from the field into the lorry and taken straight to the beet factories...
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I T is believed that the three main associations of passenger vehicle operators favour abolition of workmen's fares and the...
T HE National Executive of the. General and Municipal Workers' Union is to consider the appeal by employees of the Economic Bus...
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B Y a majority decision, Birmingham Corporation's Transport operatives decided not to work overtime as from midnight last...
to ‘s-. 1 open the door to something which will go through the country like wildfire, or come to a decision which will he...
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A N important place in the export market has always been held by Albion Motors, Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, W.4, and the vehicles...
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.t3. has been arranged for the winter session of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers. All those in the Metropolitan Area...
NJEWCOMERS to the industry must show that work which they seek cannot be done by existing transport. Supporting letters are of...
A STATEMENT by the National 1 - 5L Road Transport Federation points out that the British Road Federation has been drawing...
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Road Transport in Qerrnany To-day is ROUGH but READY J N spite of many difficulties, road transport in Germany is proving...
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By Ashley F. Taylor W HEN I asked a Manchester Ship Canal official what method could be adopted to avoid the delays that road...
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What Happens Next ? By Our Legal Adviser T HE railways to be nationalized are listed in the Third Schedule to the Transport...
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How Two Different Methods of Assessing Depreciation-by Time and by Mileage-Affect Minimum Remunerative Rates and Give Rise to...
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ACTION ON STANDARD NOMENCLATURE T HE article headed "Standard Nomenclature Needed," in the issue of "The Commercial Motor"...
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B ODY panels capable of being easily A Resume of Recently Published replaced, if eamaged, form the subject of patent No....