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Road Services is not the first haulage company to start a transport consultancy service for its customers—indeed, most hauliers...
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MINISTRY REVEALS PROPOSED NEW RULES • The first major document to issue from the Ministry of Transport since Mr. Fred Mulley...
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• Difficult decisions that will have to be made by the SELNEC (Greater Manchester) Passenger Transport Authority, as from...
• The dangers inherent in discussing the interests of the Institute of Transport over too wide an area were highlighted by the...
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• Increased rates of the order of 12+ per cent from January 1 were forecast at the express carriers functional group meeting...
• The Road Transport Industry Training Board announced that after lengthy negotiations with the Department of Employment and...
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• Almost exactly a year ago a one-acre plot of land on the industrial estate in Thames Rd., Barking, Essex, was mostly marsh...
• The Minister of Transport has circulated for comment proposals for regulations which will require goods vehicle operators to...
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• Following the success of the Transport Act seminars sponsored by Commercial Motor earlier this year, a series of seminars on...
• The European Parliament last week approved a resolution calling for the compulsory introduction of tachographs. The...
• The Goods Vehicles ICarriers" Licensing) (Temporary Use in Great Britain) Regulations 1969 were last week laid before...
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by David Lowe BEM for brave tanker driver • When his tanker, loaded with 9 tons of propane gas, caught fire, a driver for...
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OPENING OF NEW PREMISES CELEBRATED • First in the field with the autumn coach shows was W.S. Yeates Ltd., which opened its...
• Two further sets of Training Recommendations are being issued by the Road Transport Industry Training Board this month. They,...
• Mr. John A. Volpe, American Secretary for Transportation gave a press conference at the US Embassy last week, following talks...
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• A system which will provide the traffic controller of a bus undertaking with a continuously up-dated picture of the location...
• Coach operators will have an opportunity to examine 1970 models at three exhibitions to be held by dealers during the next...
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• In London on Friday the Metropolitan Licensing Authority concluded his inquiry into the application by Chesford Haulage Ltd.,...
• The Western LA, Mr. J. R. C. Samuel-Gibbon, will give a written decision to the applications for five A and five B licences...
• Two Contract A licence applications were granted at Birmingham on Tuesday. Mr. J. Else, West Midland LA, explained the...
• While the Commissioners are considering the applications heard at Perth last week by the Scottish Bus Group to increase...
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I Because of the objector's evidence, the Jorthern LA, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, said he was inable to grant a switch of two artics....
• A breach of norrhal user was admitted by Mr. Peter Strain, of Newton Stewart, at a Section 178 inquiry in Glasgow last week....
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Arthur Fogg, the former director and general manager of AEC Ltd., has been appointed director and general manager of Leyland...
• In a forthright and loudly applauded speech at the SMMT annual banquet on Tuesday, the president, Mr.. Douglas Richards,...
• Work is to start on the construction of Blackwell Tunnel Northern Approach on Monday, November 3, and will last about 2+...
• B. G. Stanton of Stockport, who applied for a new B licence for a 5+-ton tipper, in Manchester on Wednesday, was told to...
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• Between October 1 1968 and August 31 this year. 354,126 tests and retests of goods vehicles were carried out at Ministry...
from our political correspondent • The Prime Minister has carried out a Ministerial clean sweep at the Transport Ministry. A...
• Power hydraulic braking systems, on the lines of present air systems in that they use reservoirs and valves but significantly...
• The increase in membership of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers during 1968—by 666 to a total of 4,672--was a source...
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• A new cab will be featured by Fodens Ltd. at the Scottish Show next month. A feature of the design is twin forward-sloping...
• The Worshipful Company of Carmen has recently presented its annual ''Viva Award for Transport Improvement" to the Automotive...
• A full diagnosis system for vans and cars that is being introduced by all Volkswagen dealers in Britain should mean not only...
• An increase of approximately 10 per cent in the prices of Volkswagen vans, pick-ups, and Microbuses was announced last week...
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• The semi-trailer tends to be treated these days almost as some form of mobile loading bank, little thought being given to the...
• The buyers' guide to semi-trailers published in CM September 12 did not include entries for Overland and Neville. The...
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FIRST USE of the turbocharged Leyland 401 engine in a BLMC truck is in two new versions of Albion chassis announced today. One...
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by the Hawk * Viewpoints A recent case at Durham magistrates' court threw up some classic examples of how personal convictions...
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in step with costs • Reported by lain Sherriff. MITA and David Lowe, MInstTA. Essay winner replies to questions "THE...
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ACCORDING to Mr. J. B. Wild, managing director of Harold Wood and Sons Ltd., the content of the draft syllabus /manual for the...
THE recent growth of British Railways' traffic will soon slacken off, and the road operator will once again enjoy a period of...
ALTHOUGH Wages Councils were often the only stable institution in an industry made up of small units, they had their defects in...
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AT an open for - urn on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. L. S. Payne, managing director of BRS Ltd., asked hauliers for their...
AT an "interrogation" session on Wednesday, lain Sherriff, deputy editor, Commercial Motor, Arthur Sherlock-Mesher. editor,...
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THE SOURCE from which each monthly cost ingredient is calculated per vehicle has now been fully explored, particular attention...
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SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT FORMULA IN "UTO's African Saga"—CM September 19 a broad brush picture of the widespread activities of...
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Yes, but will it work? WHAT made the report of the Geddes Committee on road haulage licensing so memorable was the way in...
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PERHAPS the most interesting feature of the current road transport scene is the way the industry is adapting itself to...
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The next seven days from October 17—October 23 SATURDAY ITA (London) Ladies" Festival, Piantatior House, Mincing Lane, London....
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and one of their responsibilities is to test our vehicles for brake efficiency and steering after servicing and overhauls. In...
bonus payments from the workshop staff, and I fear that unless we can put forward some really productive and comprehensive...
to the following points? When an existing driver of heavy goods vehicles claims a licence after February 2 7970, what evidence...
a tipper enable it to be reclassified as a road construction vehicle ? A The Ministry of Transport tells us that whether...
addresses of some makers of equipment fired by waste oil for garage and workshop heating ? A Two firms which manufacture waste...
a lorry until I am old enough to drive one myself. Could you tell me if there are any age limits for drivers' mates? A There...
heavy goods lorry for an engineering firm. They say that I have to do a 14-hour spreadover every day for five days and a...
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SELECTING examples in the broad categories of short management courses in road transport, which I outlined last week, is...
Drawbar trailers are not very popular with commercial vehicle operators in Britain at present, chiefly because it is necessary...
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Compactalign A number of new items of equipment were recently demonstrated to the Press by Kismet Ltd., Fenlake Works, Fenlake...
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A wide range of companies find their transport needs best served by purchasing ex-military vehicles and because many of these...