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Q We Employ A Skilled Fitter And A Semi' 1 E 1 ' Skilled...
and one of their responsibilities is to test our vehicles for brake efficiency and steering after servicing and overhauls. In addition, they attend breakdowns and may be......
Q My Company Is Getting Demands For
bonus payments from the workshop staff, and I fear that unless we can put forward some really productive and comprehensive scheme we shall simply end up by paying everyone more,......
Q Could You Please Supply The Answers
to the following points? When an existing driver of heavy goods vehicles claims a licence after February 2 7970, what evidence must he produce as confirmation that he has driven......
G Would Having A Gritting Attachment Fixed To The Back Of
a tipper enable it to be reclassified as a road construction vehicle ? A The Ministry of Transport tells us that whether adaptation of a tipping lorry would enable it to qualify......
G Would You Be Able To Give Me The Names And
addresses of some makers of equipment fired by waste oil for garage and workshop heating ? A Two firms which manufacture waste oil-fired heating equipment are:— Peters Motors......
Q I Want To Gat A Job As A Mate On
a lorry until I am old enough to drive one myself. Could you tell me if there are any age limits for drivers' mates? A There are no regulations governing the age of drivers'......
Q I Have Just Started Driving A C Licensed
heavy goods lorry for an engineering firm. They say that I have to do a 14-hour spreadover every day for five days and a Saturday morning. The spreadover consists of 11 hours......