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.T is dangerously significant that the prize-winning entry in a competition promoted by the B.B.C. television programme,...
Y coincidence, two lorries and their valuable loads of metal were stolen in an ambush a few hours before the vehicles security...
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rTI - IE Automobile Association have performed a valuable public service in drawing attention to the shortcomings of street...
R OAD transport has always prided itself on door-to-door service, but according to Mr. R. E. G. Brown, secretary of the London...
W ITH a slightly rueful smile, the chairman of the Crow Carrying Co., Ltd., of Barking, Essex, will tell you that he almost...
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A N in j unction, with costs, to restrain Mr. Albert Sidney Dowdin g , Ocklynge Road, Eastbourne, from breaking a service a g...
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"MO one is in a better position to produce figures than the British Transport Commission," observed Mr. M. Dunbar Van Oss...
A HEAVIER vehicle was required by West Coast Transport (Argyll), Ltd., Campbettown, for work over bad roads, Mr. W. F. Quin,...
A N allegation. that B.R.S. (Pickfords), Ltd., had irregularly operated a 20ton low-loader based in the Metropolitan Area from...
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T HE question whether the preference of the National Coal Board justified the North Western Traffic Commissioners in allowing...
MR. J. C. MORTON has been appointed north-eastern technical representative for Shcepbridge Stokes, Ltd. MR. M. J. MILLMAN will...
Ulm. By-pass: The Catterick by-pass, which cost kiln. to build; was opened last week. Non-co-operation : The National Union of...
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IT is not thought that the Government would suggest the transfer of traffic from road to rail to relieve the congestion...
LIAULIERS were among the most punctilious when it came to observing lighting regulations, said an Aberdeen police officer on...
T HE North Western, Traffic Contmissioners on Tuesday sanctioned the operation of joint express services from Blackpool,...
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T HE Northern Traffic Commissioners. sitting at Newcastle upon Tyne on Monday, granted an application by the Northern General...
their cars vl during the winter and used works bus services were criticized by Mr. W. P. James, chairman of the West Midland...
E SULTS of the " New Ways for London" competition organized by the Roads Campaign Council are released today. Entrants were...
A COACHLOAD of witnesses who attended to give evidence before the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners, at Leeds on Monday, received...
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rOMPLETE with , light-alloy bodies • and tipping gear, two eight-wheelers operated by Bradgate Quarries, Ltd., Nun ney,...
A SPECIAL conference of representatives of the 39 unions in the Confederation a Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions at York,...
T HE wage claim on behalf of 58,000 municipal bus workers, which was to have been presented in London last week, will not now...
A MANCHESTER subsidiary had been formed by McKelvie and Co., Ltd., Glasgow, Mr. F. Williamson, North Western Licensing...
Glasgow Lighting Inspector is to replace six I 0 eW 1. vans. Accrington Transport Committee seek to acquire four East Lanes...
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End of Battle Before Mr. Ormond : Local Operators Fear Loss of Brick Traffic FROM G. DUNCAN JEWELL BEDFORD, Monday. D '°' N...
F ORECASTS that there will be a short' age of qualified engineers were supported by a report made to Parliament by the Minister...
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P AINTED WAGONS roll along the summer roads of Britain. The fun of the fair is on the move. Loaded convoys are bringing blaring...
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1 HE problem of Service personnel and their families using Service vehicles at " fantastic " low fares, to the detriment of...
L'`OOT and mouth disease was one of the, main topics of discussion at last Friday's meetin g of the livestock functional g...
Motor Services (Clapion). Ltd. Cap. £1.000. Dirt,: I R. Ward. 7 Lodge Close, Orpington, Kent; W. W. Ward, 57 Pleasance Road,...
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Ill E theft of 9,900 gallons of petrol from a filling ation of Ltd., Billingham, which was discovered by a detective and a...
THE transfer of vehicles from short' distance delivery work in London to more profitable trunk haulage is causing an acute...
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T HERE.are now 300 bulk-milk collection tankers in use in New Zealand. They are working mainly in the South Auckland and...
A N appeal by G. A. Sinfielcl and Son 1--1 (London), Ltd., against the refusal of planning permission to use a yard at De Lucy...
T "West Midland Traffic Commissioners, sitting at Birmingham last week, welcomed the news that there was a desire-in the area...
A CRANKED-CHASSIS semi-trailer to carry 4-cu.-yd. concrete-mixing plant, has been evolved by Fox Trailers, Ltd., Liverpool, 24....
nECAUSE of the Christmas Holiday, the next issue of The Commercial Motor will be published on Thursday, December 24, instead...
T HE serious effect which increasing competition from road hauliers is having upon the MacBrayne steamer service to Skye was...
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/ 1' is 10 years since an Atkinson eight-wheeler was tested by The Commercial Motor, and during this time worthwhile, although...
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I T is estimated that the M1 will save up to £3m. during 1960. The capital cost of the motorway, including allowances for...
T WO devices which, when applied to representative oil engines, ,had been found to reduce the overall peak sound levels by 24...
Of a flattery of editors at a T.R.T.A. luncheon. That Father Christmas has already called on Firestone. Of 60 happy wards of...
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M ORE than half a century ago,, when the motor industry was still in its infancy, George Crosland Taylor was responsible for...
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F. E. Weatherill, Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, Herts. The new shovels are known as the L.60, the L.62 and the L.64 having bucket...
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Traders Must Play Part in Obtaining Maximum Road Use : More "Tidal Flow" : Throughways for London BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY...
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L ET nobody underestimate the effectiveness of the propaganda carried out by the British Transport Commission. The railways may...
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Henry Spurrier Memorial Lecturer says Transport Must be Nourished by All Possible Means „T RANSPORT is now such an important...
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Transport Regulation Board Review Conditions in Victoria, Australia, Where Railways are Protected I N a survey of transport...
WITH the publication of the seventh VT edition of "The British Commercial Vehicle Industry," operators all over the world are...
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I T is often contended that rates can be kept down by purchasing and employing used vehicles. Some operators claim that lower...
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PI A SPECIAL pink-paraffin delivery vehicle has been designed by Rootes engineers in co-operation with Shell-Mex and B.P.,...
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P - 1 A ROTARY valve is the subject of patent No. 819,264. (A. Fisker and A. Rasmussen, No. 7. V.E. Gamborgsvej,...