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T HE action taken by the A n Urgent Need for Basing Road Haulage Associat i on, i n as ki ng t h e Figares on the Cost of New •...
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URING the past few.weeks the streets in and around the City of London have suddenly developed a number of small excavations. In...
Fine Record tor Goodyear A T its huge factory at Wolverhampton, the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., produced its 22...
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Of knots for security, and nots for road users, Of Centurion Tanks in Korea equipped with electric razors. That these are...
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C ONCESS1ONS which will increase the wages of road haulage workers, were agreed, last week, by the Road Haulage Wages Cbuncii....
the X type, has been developed by - :"ie Michelin Tyre CO.. Ltd. Mr. W. R. Good, M.I.Mech.E.. the company's chief engineer,...
F OLLOWING a request for a public inquiry into Oxford bus services made by Mr. Lawrence Turner, M.P., the Minister of Transport...
vincial and Scottish road passenger transport interests of the British Transport Commission amounted to £43.007,000, compared...
1 - 3. A PAY increase of 3d. per hour for all adult male workers in the vehicle-building industry was announced, last week,...
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A LETTER from Mr. F. Coyle, national Secretary of the passenger transport trade group of the Transport and General Worker's'...
R EV ISED prices for Coinmer and Karrier vehicles came into effect on January 7. Because of adjustments in purchase tax, they...
A CALL for tenders for the Supply of 13 trolleybuses has been made by the Ankara Electricity, Gas and Bus Administration....
WE regret to record the deaths of Vi r MR. H. PARKER, MR. G. Tim/or , . and DR. WILHELM TIASPEL. Mr. Parker was chief engineer...
A MONG the exhibits of 1 1 0 coiteerns at the Third Mechanical Handling Exhibition and Convention, to be held at Olympia,...
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might be some doubt about the legality of the company's private hire operations in connection with week-end travel for...
MR. C. LEIN has been appointed assistant manager of the Midland division of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. . MR. P. T....
A SUGGESTION that the Institute Pl. of Transport should include personnel management in its syllabus of examination studies was...
T HE annual conference of the Institute of Public Cleansing will be held at Harrogate from June 10-13. Among the papers to be...
A PPLICATIONS for enrolment in the Institute of the Motor Industry's 1952 summer school at St. Catharine's College, Cambridge....
B ECAUSE the introduction of incentive-payment schemes would be likely to take a long time, the Portland Cement Manufacturers'...
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T HE Road Haulage Association is considering a debt-collection scheme, which, if supported by a minimum of 50 members, would...
B ECAUSE the licensed operator -could not undertake certain longdistance services, another coach proprietor undertook the...
A NUMBER of meetings took place this week concerning steel supplies to the motor industry. Individual manufacturers have been...
D RIVERS of delivery vehicles have been specially urged by the Northern Ireland Ministry of Commerce to make sure that there...
L AST September, Pointer's Transport Services, Ltd., Norwich, was convicted of a breach of the conditions of its A licence (as...
I F a new restriction be rigidly enforced, fully laden buses may not be able to cross the 125-year-old Conway suspension bridge...
Federal Department for Posts and Railways • to consider road-rail • co-ordination has issued a provisional report emphasizing...
held at Earls Court. London, from December 8-12. * As from January 23, the Southampton address of Small and Parkes, Ltd., will...
dealer in London, has published a booklet describing its history and present facilities. •
THE Road HaulageExeCutive have got to squeeze and squeeze until the long;clistanee operators 'are out of business." It was...
D URING.the discussion of his paper, "The History of Transport Law," which he read to the Institute of Traffic Administration,...
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Scottish Group Puts Case for Industry : Corporation and Company Fares Up j\, DD1TIONAL expenses amounting to £2,160,648 a...
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" A N important change in economic. commeroal or industrial conditions which calls for a change in normal transport facilities...
A FOUR-W1-IEEL-DR1VE tractor, I - 1 equipped with a fifth wheel for operation as an articulated unit, has been built by...
applied to the Scottish Licensing Authority to run a return service once a week between Glasgow and Portree. Isle of Skye, from...
D RINGING the number of Thorny1--f croft vehicles on order by, or recently delivered to, J. Lyons and Co„ Ltd., to over 100, 61...
U 1NDER rearrangements to be made 1 4. 0 in the boundaries of operating territories of State-owned bus companies, Luton may...
for the north-west division of. the Road Haulage Executiveto plan routes and times for the delivery of goods in conjunction...
T HE directors of Henry Meadows, Ltd., recommend acceptance -of the offer of Associated British Engineering, Ltd., to purchase...
T HE Central London sub-area of the Road Haulage Association is holding its annual, luncheon at the Trocadero on February 5....
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'4I 1' appears probable that we are approaching saturation point in that part of the market which is concerned with first-class...
T HE bus station at Derby. which already has 1,500 ft. of platform length, is to be extended by a quarter. The station was...
A REGULAR ser . vice on the 187.. mile route from Nairobi, Kenya, to Arusha, Tanganyika, has been started by Tanganyika...
A LTHOUGH now owned by George s fr A Ewer and Co., Ltd., Fallowlield and Britten, Ltd., is to continue to operate under its own...
the annual apprentices' prize distribution, on Monday. Mr. Henry Spurner presided.
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Political Commentary By JANUS N OT for the first time has the suggestion been put forward that users should share the pooled...
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In an Effort to Obtain Better Stand Positions than in Last Year's Show, British Manufacturers are Exhibiting Through...
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Reduced in a lined Chassis Sweden Enters the Market for Underfloor-engined Chassis with z. Model Specially Designed for Low...
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for trolleybuses placed with British IN United Traction, Ltd., total 97 vehicles. Of this, 50 are for London Transport, 20 for...
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10 Speeds Flattens Hills A Model which Pioneered the .Two-speed Axle in Britain is Tested on Level Ground and the Pennin2s,...
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VES! This is what I lived on for many weeks and it I• seems to me that this is practically what the inde-' Nrident public...
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power unit and transmission is a feature common to all the battery-electric vehicles manufactured by Scott Electric Vehicles,...
Bolt Saver T HE usual method of reconditioning the threads of a damaged bolt is by means of a die nut. A device which offers...
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The Time to be Spent in Loading and Unloading is a Major Factor to be Considered When Assessing a Haulage Rate: "The Commercial...
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a vehicle to be adjusted to a high Jegree of acccuracy in a minimum of time, is the aim of a device shown by the Ford Motor...