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T.g.w.u.• Official Opposes Concession 'fares
A LETTER from Mr. F. Coyle, national Secretary of the passenger transport trade group of the Transport and General Worker's' Union, supporting the prinCiple of increasing bus......
Lower Commer And Karrier Prices
R EV ISED prices for Coinmer and Karrier vehicles came into effect on January 7. Because of adjustments in purchase tax, they are lower than formerly, except in the ease of the......
Ankara Needs Trolley Buses
A CALL for tenders for the Supply of 13 trolleybuses has been made by the Ankara Electricity, Gas and Bus Administration. Closing date for submission of tenders is February 18.......
WE regret to record the deaths of Vi r MR. H. PARKER, MR. G. Tim/or , . and DR. WILHELM TIASPEL. Mr. Parker was chief engineer and deputy manager of Birminghain 'transport......
5-ton Fork Trucks For U.k.
A MONG the exhibits of 1 1 0 coiteerns at the Third Mechanical Handling Exhibition and Convention, to be held at Olympia, London, from June 4-14, will he fork trucks with a......