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M ANY factories have suggestion boxes. The difference about the one at Henley's is that it gets used. The valve gear...
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New Synthetic HILST leather • has for Materials Used for " rriany years been the most Vehicle Seats . . . popular material for...
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Hears— "Haifa heart with that petrol pipe line. That the Government may be "in pocket" off the red. • That the Daimler "stiff...
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rugs, tyres, paint and wireless sets had been stolen through a "return load" ruse were made at Huddersfield Police Court on...
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be operated under the Bombay Government scheme for the nationalization of road transport began on June 1 between Poona and...
or Two The service for Jersey potatoes, operated from Poole by Burrciws Transport, Ltd., has now finished. In a recent...
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THE Conference of the Institute of Public Cleansing, which opened in Margate on Monday and closes to-day. marked the 50th...
M R. KA BER RY'S approach was non-technical, and he voiced the opinions of the pubic on townclansing matters. He dealt...
T HE great importance of the human element when dealing with town cleansing affairs was stressed by Mr. isselb rook . Wide...
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I N the later years of the war the Nation was encouraged, said Mr. Fox - ton, to look ahead to the time when rehabilitation...
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use of baskets of sufficient capacity, but trailers might be employed effectively in such circumstances. Residents regarded...
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Dawes's address was largely retrospective. He said that it would probably come as a surprise to many to know that at the close...
N i yucii of interest and profit to all Pa engaged in industry is contained in "Managers. Men and Morale," by Wilfred B. D....
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T HE' paper which Mr. H. W. Fulton, B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.Mech.E., managing director of Albion Motors, Ltd., read at the Glasgow...
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as advocated by the historic economists and practised by industry and atrned Services to-day—is demanded in anything more than...
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in the basement is accommodation for heavy items, We went across the road to the garage, looking first at the uniform stores,...
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and a 30 m.p.h. limit T HE previous article was written to be of value to C-licensees and others. in it, I dealt with the...
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M ORE than 350 delegates attended the 47th annual conference of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association, which opened at...
A SUGGESTION that committees representative of managements and employees should be set up in municipal transport undertakings...
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WIDER co-ordination of services VY under the Transport Act might alleviate the wastage at present being caused by the necessity...
O NE of the most useful mechanical handling devices in a works, or, in fact, anywhere where loads have to be transported within...