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THE GREATER London Council Wood inquiry juggernaut trundles on. Following months of inquiry, attended by a long list of experts...
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1 EARLY Government decision is awaited on the future of the ins to privatise the network of 91 heavy goods vehicle test stains....
IN A NEAR clean sweep at Marsham Street, a new Transport Secretary and one Under Secretary were appointed this week, and the...
A DECISION is imminent on the future of vehicle conversion specialists County Commercial Cars, of Fleet, Hampshire....
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VEEDER-ROOT'S General Manager Alec Dawson is protesting to the Department of Transport about the "near-monopoly" which he...
A SUNDAY newspaper report that Oaf Trucks is buying shares in ERF has been hotly denied by Daf, but ERF admits that "someone"...
FOUR Merseyside haulage cor panies have agreed a cm.; basic wage rate for drivers of tonne lorries. Transport and Gener...
A TRAINING levy of 0.8 per cent — the same as last year — is being proposed by the Road Transport Industry Training Board for...
THE GENERAL ELECTION has taken its toll of some of the bett known transport-minded MPs, but most have returned for the ne...
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C Common Market transport ministers took an important step t week towards liberalising the EEC transport market by agree; to...
is over When the Paccar-owned Foden Trucks manufacturer announced that there would be a return to full-time five-day working...
CM Lorry Driver of the Year competition and four more heats have been held. Last weekend's winners were: Birmingham. Class A:...
by an affillate of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco). The award is made by...
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LORRY CONTROLS will only work if traffic authorities erect clear and concise signposts, the Freight Transport Association said...
MANY HIRE or reward companies are badly placed to take advantage of the opportunities confronting the industry in the...
THE RENWICKS Freight Group has returned a slight profit for 1982. Although the Group financial figures are being compiled now,...
THE MAXIMUM capacity of petroleum-carrying road tankers has been increased from 30 cum to 36 cum to allow the petroleum...
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ONLY 40 per cent of goods vehicles covered by the Irish Republic's compulsory vehicle testing regulations had been tested three...
AN IRISH owner-driver recently chose a prison sentence rather than pay a fine for not possessing a road haulage licence plate....
PLANS for the M66 MiddletonDenton motorway link will be published about the end of the year, Transport Under-Secretary Lynda...
DELIVERY MAN Ian Gibson did not deliver the goods in time for an emergency order and was sacked. But an industrial tribunal in...
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should not be viewed as a death panies, according to the British COBB. Both forms of transport should work closely together to...
MAJOR road reconstruction projects started this month will mean delays and diversions for some operators, the Department of...
DHL COURIER service has set up an overnight delivery company operating solely in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Elan...
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vehicle recovery to )e set up, according to John Hancock of Crane Fruehauf, Speaking at a conference in -larrogate on vehicle...
TI DIESELTUNE claims its modified model 102 engine compression tester, weighing about 5kg, can be used with virtually all...
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THE SPICER Transmission Division of Wolverhampton is to supply its SST 8010 transmission with a nominal torque capacity of...
A NETWORK of 11 Ray Smith Tail Lifts agents has been appointed to handle Scan Tail Lifts from Linlithgow in Scotland to Newton...
THE RENAULT 6x6 TRM 10,0 (CM, June 11) is now schedul for production in 1984, writ GRAHAM MONTGOMERIE. Recently Renault...
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'HIS YEAR's engine re-manufacturing exhibition in Blackpool, was upported by our associate journal Motor Trader, and ran...
NICKELPLAN UMM UK, of Ely Cambridgeshire, is a new company that has been set up to import a French designed but Portuguese...
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A MASSIVE amount of work will have to start soon on preparing the legislation to create the new London regional transport...
LEYLAND was accused by counsel in the High Court on Monday of trying to gain a "monopoly" in spare parts for its buses....
COACHFAIR 83, sponsored by CM and Travel News, promises to be one of the biggest events in the coach industry's calendar....
In its annual report for 1982 the London Transport Passengers Committee has highlighted the political jockeying which it claims...
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A new holding company, Kinigar, has been set up and has urchased the shares of the Ddy-builder. GMT holds 49 per Kit of...
DNDON INDEPENDENT coach perator Armchair Passenger ransport has bought the wellrtablished operation of Smith's x u ry Coaches...
TRANSPORT 2000 has published a response to the Greater London Council's "balanced plan" for transport in London. In its paper,...
PENDING ten per cent less on new roads would provide enough ash to boost Scotland's public transport system, a report claims....
It has bought four Bedford CFs with 15-seat Dormobile bodies and three Volkswagen LT28s with Devon converted bodies. The...
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FORMER presidents of the Freight Transport Association and the Bus and Coach Council are among 24 transport figures in the...
LAURIE BAKER, the British conmercial vehicle industry's onl female chief engineer, has bee promoted within Sandbach Er...
DUPLE Coachbuilders' sales director, Doug Jack, resigned from the company earlier this month. Regional, dealer and fleet sales...
MIDLAND RED Omnibus, the National Bus Company's regio nal engineering company, has promoted Roger Harman to the new position of...
DOUG CARTIN has becom company sales manager fc Southern BRS, based at its heac quarters in Potters Bar, Her fordshire. Mr...
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I READ with great interest the article in your April 30 issue relating to operators requirements when purchasing new vehicles....
HAVING visited the recovery equipment exhibition at Harrogate last week I returned home rather tired, and settling in my...
LAST WEEK we encouraged readers to write to the Minister or their local Member of Parliament, keeping before the administration...
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to the fields. Thanks to an Italian entrepreneur some East European on/off road vehicles have been "westernised" and will soon...
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YORK LABOUR Party workers' cheeks turned red over the colour of their canvassing bus. It was true blue. The regional office of...
IF YOU work in the Midlands and have the gift of the gab, Midlands BRS and The Birmingham Post may have £1,000 and an engraved...
ALWAYS KEEPING MY ear to the ground (which explains my narrow head and the tyre marks down the left side of my face), I hear...
THE BRITISH Commercial Vehicle Museum, which has been opened at Leyland's old South Works in Leyland, is calculated to delight...
TWO ENTIRELY different awards, which nevertheless bear one upon the other, have been made to Perkins Engines. Le Trophee...
WHEREAS museums normally dwell on the past, London Transport Museum in Covent Garden is currently staging an exhibition of...
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THE FINAL stages of the General Election campaign distracted public attention from the crash between a lorry and a coach...
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Five four-wheeled drivers have been through the CM mangle. Three were converted, two came in that form. All impressed Bryan...
SUZUKI'S durable little fourwheel drive van from its SJ410 range is tapping into a lucrative niche in the domestic market,...
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WHEN the Rover Company launched its first Land Rover at the 1948 Amsterdam Show, CM dubbed it "a maid of all work" which would...
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'REIGHT ROVER'S £38m investnent in the new Sherpa range, innounced a year ago, has led to he appearance of several deriratives,...
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F DEVELOPMENTS began roducing its four-wheel drive Dnversions on CF Vans as early s 1975, originally as prototype fork for...
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THE TRANSIT range has dominated the medium van market for many years and although the sales figures for May are 44 per cent...
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.FTER first being applied to /ages and salaries in the Paris 3g ion in 1971, a two per cent impost" to benefit and improve...
DEVELOPED under a Statesponsored public transport programme, a new second generation of city and interurban buses is now...
PUBLISHED by the Union Bank of Switzerland, Prices and Earnings around the Globe is a fascinating compilation of purchasing...
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A vehicle of the future, incorporating the latest lightweight principles and the most up-to-date technology, has been produced...
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IV by Frank Woodward rivers' hours: lenge must come HE MAXIMUM permissible igth of a driver's working day ll be reduced to...