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A Blue Bus For A Red Party
YORK LABOUR Party workers' cheeks turned red over the colour of their canvassing bus. It was true blue. The regional office of the Transport and General Workers' Union lent the......
Talk Your Way Into £1,000
IF YOU work in the Midlands and have the gift of the gab, Midlands BRS and The Birmingham Post may have £1,000 and an engraved rose bowl for you. This is the first prize in a......
Transinvestites In Transport
ALWAYS KEEPING MY ear to the ground (which explains my narrow head and the tyre marks down the left side of my face), I hear news of an organisation set up in Hungary to......
A Feast Of Oldies From The Horse Days
THE BRITISH Commercial Vehicle Museum, which has been opened at Leyland's old South Works in Leyland, is calculated to delight any historic vehicle buff and many others besides.......
Trophy And £100,000 For Fine Reputation
TWO ENTIRELY different awards, which nevertheless bear one upon the other, have been made to Perkins Engines. Le Trophee International de L'Industrie presented by L'Institut......
Lt Museum Looks To Future
WHEREAS museums normally dwell on the past, London Transport Museum in Covent Garden is currently staging an exhibition of important future developments. Many of these concern......