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F OR years the Government has been pressed to encourage the employment of home-produced fuels, but its only real response...
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T HE important role of aluminium in passengervehicle construction, and the economic benefits resulting from the displacement of...
G ROUP organizers all over the country are, no doubt, well aware'of the practice of the Ministry of Transport in reducing the...
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Road these two advertisements:— " Railway trucks lost in transit Siding owners and others are urgently requested to look for...
That hauliers working for the Army will soon require a war loan all to themselves. That relatives may wear black for those who...
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FUTURE OF PETROL PRICES SAID TO BE UNCERTAIN " IT is impossible to foresee future trends in petrol prices," a representative...
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letters which Yorkshire 1V1hauliers sent. to the Road Haulage Central Wages Board, registering objections to that body's scheme...
MR. G. E. LAMBERT, head of W. and G. Lambert, Ltd., the concern of motor agents, of Thetford, Norfolk, has been re-elected...
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Rates Which Hauliers Are Entitled to Ask for the Hire of Their Vehicles, With and Without Drivers, for 8-hour and 24-hour Day...
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The "Wards," Offered in Four Types, Having Four and Two Wheels and Engines from 1 h.p. to 8 h.p. DOWERED in every case by a...
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Bombarded by a Salvo of Questions, "S.T.R." Dis. cusses the Practicability of Solid Fuel and Finds it an Economic Proposition...
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P AST demonstrations of alternative-fuel vehicles in this country have been organized by the producers of the equipment or...
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P OSSESSING considerable topical 1 interest is the new Rootes-Express ambulance, of which an example has been supplied to the...
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IT was stated by Mr. Hore-Belisha, 'Secretary of State for War, when questioned by Captain Strickland, that up to October 28...
Q EVEN quotations from the article 0,./which appeared in " The Commercial Motor" dated October 7, written by Mr. Ernest Bevin,...
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Fine Service obtained from a Guy Fleet which is engaged on the Arduous Work of Coal Haulage in the Midlands. Operator's...
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Further Replies From Makers and Others to the Strong Criticisms Put Forward Last Week in a Letter From Mr. John Walton L AST...
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An Authoritative Paper Dealing Exhaustively with a Subject of National Importance and Expressing Optimistic Views on a Variety...
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BIG RELAXATION IN BUS WEIGHTS D EPRESENTATIONS have been J. N. made to the Minister of Transport by the Public Service...
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A Risurne of Recently Published Patent Specifications A N improvement in e design of th small compression-ignition engines...