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A MONGST the requirements of the Motor Vehicles the and Use) Regulations which have been issued in draft form (but which, of...
r'N OES it not seem absurd that in these pre sumably enlightened days a fire-engine, merely because it falls into the category...
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That S.T.R. also stands for solving transport riddles. That EGO 1 would be a good registration plate for a road-hog. That,...
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The Board of Trade returns for August show that the value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories imported was...
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branch in New Zealand, who has been in England since July, is on his way back to New Zealand. MR. S. PREECE; C.M. U A ....
A FORETASTE of the likely experiences of A-licensees in snking renewals was afforded this week, when Bouts-Tillotson Transport,...
S EVERAL interesting points were raised during the hearing of an application before the North-Western Deputy Licensing...
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been set up under the auspices of the Yorkshire Furniture Removers Association to stabilize rates for local removals. In...
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The plea that rain had added 17 cwt. to the wthght of a load of sand was made at I3ellshill J.P. Court, when Messrs. Hugh...
S T R ONG opposition to an Inverness ...)firm's application for a short-term licence for a vehicle to carry livestock was...
Pi A SECRET method of carrying freshly killed meat called forth a challenge on the part of objectors at Liverpcol, last week,...
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In an application, on Monday, by Messrs. G. G. Clancy, of Gorton, Manchester, for the restoration of authorized tonnage, Mr. P....
ce 1) on A Licence? T HE legal points that "luggage in advance" could not be carried as " goods for hire or reward " on an A...
H OW far does Regulation 15 (1) of the Motor Vehicles (Licences and Prohibitions) Regulations supersede the n,eed for a hiring...
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T HE National Joint Conciliation Board's Machinery has proved a failure and the employers' panel should be reconstituted " on...
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)ad Fourwheeler REVEALS ,A G" SPIRIT O F approximately the same load-carrying capacity as the Monarch model, a road-test...
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T HE most striking feature of the new.. vehicle registration returns for July, 1936, is the large increase in the number of...
WITH the object of assessing the 1I'V value to the War Department of production and experimental chassis, made by various...
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Cost Price? Solving the Problems of the Carrier / WAS astounded during a meeting which I addressed when one of the speakers,...
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By F. G. Bristow, C.B.E., F.C.I.S., M.Inst.T. S OME little time ago the question of the value of conferences received a...
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THERE is little doubt • that this 1 year's National Road Transport Conference at Brighton will prove one of the most successful...
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T HE private four-door saloon is used by many commercial travellers who carry their , samples chiefly on the back seat, without...
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H ARD-WORKED vehicles—and hard-Working Partners, too—are a feature of the .activities of Messrs J. and G. Leah, haulage...
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once again to be included in the general Salon de l'Automobile, which will be held in Paris from October 1-11. In spite of...
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TRANSMISSION system's are clearly I the topic of the year, both in the private-car and in the commercialvehicle fields of...
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SUPPORT FOR OUR CAMPAIGN AGAINST INJUSTICE. [48821 - Bringing justice up to date is certainly a grave necessity these days,...
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Passenger Transport L.N.E.R. SUGGESTIONS REJECTED T HEPubli c inquiry fixed to take place at Newcastle-on-Tyne, next...
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I T is understood that Oxford City Council has _obtained counsel's opinion upon the question of the municipalization of the...
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D ESIGNED for supplying oil piessure to the hydraulic cylinder of a, tipping gear,. a compact MI pump is shown Ihpatent No....