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M ANUFACTURERS of municipal appliances are backing the Government's efforts to make Britain cleaner. Local authorities, too,...
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I NDUSTRIAL development now taking place in mid'Wales and Kent should be of great benefit to hauliers in two areas where...
To Devon—Quickly TT is now possible to travel from Leeds and Bradford to 1 Torquay in under three hours. North-South Airlines,...
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That parked cars send many drivers of mechanical street . sweepers loopy. Of a lot of puffing and blowing in Wiesbaden this...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT MR. C. R. HODGSON, East Midland Licensing Authority, is likely to have a straight talk to B.R.S....
A CLAUSE providing for the exempri tion from Excise duty of snowclearing vehicles received its second reading when the Finance...
T HE deputy chairman of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Mr. James Reginald Pearson, received a knighthood in the Birthday Honours List....
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A NEW version of the Warrior Light 8 eight-wheeled goods c-hassis originally introduced at last year's Earls Court Show has...
O F some 130 entrants in the Coventry round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition last Sunday, seven lost fewer than 100...
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MR. W. E. FOSTER, transport manager of William Hollins and Co., Ltd., Nottingham, since 1936, has retired. MR. A. (" JACK")...
A GREEMENT reached between Carlisle Corporation and Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., on the much-disputed bus service to the city's...
A N application by Hanson Haulage, (Leeds) Ltd., Leeds, to add four vehicles to their existing A licence for 25 vehicles was...
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A FTER getting into financial difficulty following the heavy costs of an abortive B-licence application, Mr. J. T. Roberts,...
LATEMENTS on behalf of an appli1.--"cant for a new B licence—that because of the demand for slate bricks, Dinorwic Quarries,...
D EJECTION of wage restraint was IA coupled with a demand for substantial all-round pay increases in a resolution tarried...
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S TRAIGHT-FRAME semi-trailers with payload capacities of 10, 11 and 12 tons are now being produced by J. Brockhouse and Co.,...
mINETY-SIX objections-fewer than usual-to the latest proposals for increases in road haulage workers' wages were considered...
A N integrally moulded plastics con tainer of sandwich construction is being displayed at the International Plastics...
B US companies must be kept in a healthy financial state, said Mr. C. R. Hodgson, chairman of the East Midland Traffic...
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THE Transport Tribunal, in London last week, varied the conditions on a B licence granted to F. Whittock, Ltd., Bath, and...
A N adjournment was ordered at Sheffield last week by the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. H. A. Randolph,...
T HE problem of when, to notify a change of normal user was argued at Newtown, Mont, last week, when Evan Evans and Sons,...
THE Road Haulage Association have I been inundated with complaints by hauliers about an article in a Sunday newspaper and...
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Parking Control : Civilians may reinforce London police to control parking. Plastics Surface: A trial plastics road surface is...
" VERYBODY'S handyman " in Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire, describes Mr. G. A. Reason, an applicant who was granted a new B...
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T HE complement of full-time : traffic examiners for enforcement duties is 100, of whom 95 are in post. In addition, 17 driving...
'THE committee which is being set up to examine rural transport will be free to visit all parts of the country. Mr. G. R. H....
to tell us the obvious ways to get ow' • expenses down—let the Government remove our crippling burden of taxa . tion," said Mr....
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T HE Transport Tribunal. in London, last week, allowed the appeal by Federated Conveyers, Ltd., Leicester, against the...
THE Transport Tribunal in London, last week, reserved its the appeal of four objectors against the grant of an A...
" 1 HAVE never laid down such principles," said Mr. S.' W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, when an applicant told him he...
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Continent Ahead of Britain : Turbo charging Brings Big Increase in Power Output O F 36 papers on oil-engine and gas. turbine...
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p RICED at £23, the A103/G is a fluorescent garage lamp produced by Messrs. P. W.. Allen and Co., 253 Liverpool Road, London,...
DOTTER Y manufacturers and representatives of I other local trading interests saw a series of demonstrations of mechanical...
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T HE Ministry of Transport have long since given up apologizing for publishing no More than the barest summary of the annual...
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Rival Claims for Services to North Wales : Intention to Link Not Notified : Unlimited Duplication Sought L INKING was...
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A NEW design of lightweight four-wheel-drive crosscountry vehicle may be put into production by A.B. Volvo, GOteborg, Sweden....
T HE coach air-conditioning system evolved by Smith's Motor Accessory Division, 50 Oxgate Lane, London, N.W2, was primarily...
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Two New Semi-dustless Loading Devices on View at' Brighton in Addition to Five Dustless Types : Novel Mechanical Sweepers and...
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Detailed Examination of the Operating Costs of Four Sixwheeled Goods Vehicles of Medium Carrying Capacity _ cl INCE the...
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A N Austin 702 forward-control 7-tonner, converted into a sixwheeler by the use of an EatonHendrickson rubber-suspension bogie,...