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B.-licence Conditions Varied By Tribunal
THE Transport Tribunal, in London last week, varied the conditions on a B licence granted to F. Whittock, Ltd., Bath, and reduced the number of vehicles from 15 to 14. The......
Irregularity Suggested : Adjournment Granted
A N adjournment was ordered at Sheffield last week by the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. H. A. Randolph, following a suggestion of irregular operation by the......
User Changed Too Long Ago, But . . .
T HE problem of when, to notify a change of normal user was argued at Newtown, Mont, last week, when Evan Evans and Sons, Llanidloes, sought a new A licence with a - complete......
Hauliers Complain Of Defamation
THE Road Haulage Association have I been inundated with complaints by hauliers about an article in a Sunday newspaper and comments made by Labour Members of Parliament in the......