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OPPORTUNITIES to increase business have not been too much in evidence in recent years. When they do appear they should be...
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rHE EEC is moving at last to ;weep away the red tape that las been strangling road trans'oft in Europe. Over the next ive years...
'NT AND the Transport and 3eneral Workers Union have eached a productivity and work wactices agreement aimed at iverting job...
BRITISH TRANSPORT industry spokesmen have given a broad welcome to last week's EEC decisions, but there are early signs of...
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TOLLS on the Dartford Tunnel and other estuarine crossings should be abandoned at the earliest opportunity, Road Haulage...
After 25 years' production, Leyland Trucks' Bathgate plant in West Lothian, will soon close with the loss of 1,400 jobs. The...
THE GOVERNMENT is to go ahead with the feasibility study on a second Severn crossing. Submissions will have to be submitted by...
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The all-party Commons transport select committee has been reviewing the Government's public expenditure plans and found that...
THE IRISH GOVERNMENT is to clamp down on the number of Bulgarian hauliers entering the country following complaints from the...
IS A RATES war likely to break out among roll-on/roll-off ferry operators? There was a great fear of this with some...
The first heats have been run, and will be held every weekend until July 1, and again in Hampshire on August 18. Readers...
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A BRITISH heavy haulage company, Econofreight Heavy Transport, has won the World Cup equivalent for its industry at the first...
lorry co-op A NATIONAL freight agency has been launched by the Irish Road Haulage Association which it says will bring...
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WEST MIDLANDS haulier Bert Neely was expected to be elected national chairman of the Road Haulage Association on Wednesday this...
JOHN FOSTER HUMPHREYS, former chairman and managing director of the Foster Group of Companies of Preston died on May 2. Mr...
Mr Paige, who was previously an NFC deputy chairman and is chairman of the Port of London Authority, succeeds the late Giovani...
LAURIE BAKER, Foden Trucks' assistant managing director, is returning to the United States operations of the parent group,...
THREE new part-time members were appointed to the board of the National Bus Company this week. They are Ronald Grierson, vice...
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A CLEAR HINT that the Road Haulage Association wants to pull out of its involvement in its Cargofax load matching and...
TRANSFLEET SERVICES has opened a new depot in Edinburgh to expand further its nationwide network of commercial vehicle contract...
TWELVE Scottish trunk road projects have been started over the past year, and another 10 schemes will be started during the...
The Department of Transport is insisting that driving instructors who qualify in the armed services must pass its own Approved...
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A £380,000 ROAD/RAIL freight terminal opened in Oxford last week could be followed by an East Anglian equivalent being planned...
To explain the intention behind new Institute of Freight Forwarders trading conditions, and the procedures customers should...
DOW FREIGHT, Britain's biggest self-drive European haulier, is planning its first scheduled lorry service direct to Turkey....
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A MOVE into the 6-wheeler municipal market has been made by Seddon Atkinson with the announcement of its new 201 6x4 model....
THE LARGEST road transfer pulverisation station in the country, based at Knowsley, Lancashire, has installed Fuelsafe Sentinel...
DURHAMS of Middlesbrough has added an LAG tipping bulk tanker to its fleet of over 300 trailers. At 38/40-tonne gross...
TRAILER EQUIPMENT of Doncaster has been appointed sole British agent for the full range of air suspension units from Weweller...
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LONG TIME advocate of rubber suspensions, the North West Water Authority, has recently specified a system produced by the new...
IN RESPONSE to the problem of wheel loss on commercial vehicles, Ric-Clip (Sales! of 20 OaWield Drive, Liverpool has introduced...
LEX WILKINSON is fitting Rubery Owen Rockwell's Anchorlok ES• spring brake system to its 450-strong fleet of box van...
A NEW DESIGN of furniture van from Sparshatts of Hampshire uses the idea of an entire side opening to facilitate loading,...
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THE ELECTRIC Vehicle Association and the four UK manufacturers of traffic compatible electric commercial vehicles have only two...
AN AMERICAN fuel injection equipment manufacturer, Stanadyne Diesel Systems, displayed two types of electronic control for...
IT WAS reported last week in the Financial Times that Mitsubishi Motors Corporation plans to supply Mercedes-Benz Espana, the...
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GOVERNMENT policies towards National Bus Company in partic party Commons transport select The 60 per cent Conservative...
NOTTINGHAM CITY Transport may introduce a network of midibus routes to improve access to services for elderly people in the...
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THE war against speeding coaches is hotting up, as a major independent discovered when called before the North Western Traffic...
NORTHERN SCOTTISH has opened its new depot and workshops at Spurryhillock Industrial Estate, Stonehaven. And in a bid to...
THOUGH ACCEPTING that Barry Maye, jailed for 12 months in 1979 after a coach had crashed killing six pensioners, had good...
TESTING is well under way at the Motor Industry Research Association's Nuneaton test track of the West Midlands PTE Passenger...
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THE UNOFFICIAL favourite last week entered London Transport's Routemaster-replacement trials when the first of three...
FROM SEPTEMBER 19-23 the first ever Autoblis RAI bus and coach show is to be held at the famous RA1 exhibition centre in...
LUCRATIVE contracts for transporting workers by bus to and from the Clyde submarine bases at Faslane and Coulport have been...
PASSENGERS provided only 37 per cent of the revenue for RATP, the Paris transport undertaking's chief engineer (transport...
PENSIONERS are fighting to have free travel brought back on buses in Lothian Region. The Scottish Old Age Pensions Association...
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Kent police moves to tighten hazardous vehicle recovery and the slow payment of recovery clubs were among topics aired at...
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TWO NEW IDEAS were launched at Octagon Recovery's show at Leeds this month. Octagon has put together a package leasing deal...
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I READ with interest your article concerning road speed limiters (CM, April 14), but there are a couple of points regarding...
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LORRY-MOUNTED CRANES were something of a rarity in the Sixties, but in recent years the use of hydraulically operated loaders...
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TAXATION is a subject which arouses strong feelings at the best of times. And Nigel Lawson's Budget two months ago not only...
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Load space is the trump card in the LT31's hand — it's positively voluminous. But with this go high kerb weight and steep...
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Vehicle recovery was under the spotlight last weekend when the Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators held its annual...
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In a frank question and answer session, commercial vehicle division president Wi!fried Lochte spells out the company's place in...
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Bill Brock appraises the new top of the range 4 x 2 available in the UK next month DURING the years that preceded 38-tonne...
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More immediate benefits stem from the complete driveline development — a project in its sixth year, reports our engineering...
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Our technical editor watches the trucks evolve from forges at Nuremberg to assembly halls 100 miles away in Munich — 20,000 for...
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The company's test planning and quality technique sections are becoming increasingly important and have become an influence on...
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The fusion of a Leyland Cub chassis with a Vanguard Welfare body by Wadham Stringer has produced a highly adaptable bus. Noel...
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BIG CHANGES have taken place over the past ten years in the standards of establishments catering for drivers. Gone are the days...
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MOTHERS USED to tell aspiring brides that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. Mercedes-Benz still believes it,...
IN HIS ELECTION as an honorary member of the Road Haulage Assocation, Noel Wynn has joined a small, august band of men who have...
TWELVE DRIVERS from BP's Swansea terminal were brought to Filton airport, Bristol, recently for some practical fire drill...
family business of Robert Wynn and Sons Ltd, has probably been a greater influence for change in the RHA than any other member....
I SELDOM RESPOND to anonymous letters but I make an exception of one from a Redditch reader. He writes in praise of John Hunt,...
NATIONAL CARRIERS Parcels has, I am told, 753 vehicles and 442 trailers — and a bike. The velocipede is second-line transport...
UNLESS YOU have been living on the top of Mount Olympus you must know that Scottish haulage contractors have been keeping the...
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Having decided to diversify into tail-lifts, Henderson Mobile has opted for a column model and is hoping for an early return on...
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David Wilcox discovers how the addition of cranes to a pair of Leyland Marathon attics has paid dividends for Morcambe haulier...
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For companies concerned with materials handling, reconditioned fork trucks are a cheap and viable alternative to buying new....
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Bill Brock visits the West Mids firm that introduced hydraulic access equipment in the Fifties and has gone on from there...