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Rubber Choice
LONG TIME advocate of rubber suspensions, the North West Water Authority, has recently specified a system produced by the new rubber suspension company, Tadchurch of Kettering,......
Clip Secures Wheels
IN RESPONSE to the problem of wheel loss on commercial vehicles, Ric-Clip (Sales! of 20 OaWield Drive, Liverpool has introduced a patented spring steel device called a Ric-Clip.......
Lex Stop With Anchorlock
LEX WILKINSON is fitting Rubery Owen Rockwell's Anchorlok ES• spring brake system to its 450-strong fleet of box van semi-trailers to speed the large number of trailer movements......
Sparshatt's Side Show
A NEW DESIGN of furniture van from Sparshatts of Hampshire uses the idea of an entire side opening to facilitate loading, unloading of storage containers. Whereas the normal......