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H AULIERS are in the public gaze. Industri alists and politicians are forming opinions—premature and possibly erroneous—of the...
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exhaust turbocharger has earned a high reputation for reliability and economical running as an industrial unit, but is regarded...
Stimulating Ideas in Leyland Factories imucH success is now attending the suggestion Iv' scheme which has.been in use by...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT MEAT carriers -who are members of the Road Haulage Association "I are to decide the attitude to be...
i T is understood that the employers' side of the National Joint industrial Council for the municipal passenger transport...
"Tfus is not aroisolated_case. There I are far too many advertisements appearing today, inducing these .men to throw over...
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Big B.T.C. Units T HREE companies are to be set up under Section 5 of the Transport Act, 1953, to take over big transport units...
P URCHASES of 34 more vehicles from British Road Services-17 in each of the Western and Northern Areas—were announced by the...
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A N application by five coach corn panies, allegedly designed to avoid present wasteful running, was opposed by 33 objectors...
CUR. H. R. ROWLANDS has been appointed a member of the West Midlands Transport Users' Consultative Committee. MR, H. W....
A LTHOUGH the action taken against PI the Post Office by Davey Paxman and Co., Ltd.,. has succeeded, the Mobile Radio Users'...
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L-XCLUDING list 8, published on November 3, 36 per cent, of the vehicles offered for sale by the British Transport Commission...
XPORT figures for the first nine months of the year, published on Tuesday by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders,...
A provisional Order is to be sought by Derby Corporation to provide four more trolleybus routes. One-man-operated 35-seaters...
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THE German Federal Railways intro duced a service for the carriage of road vehicles on Monday. IL is intended to relieve...
'THE Fighting Services were I " immensely interested" in the development of oil engines, FieldMarshal Sir John Harding, Chief...
IMPROVEMENTS made to Speen Corner, on the Bath Road west of Newbury, at a cost of £5,400, had cut accidents by 70 per cent.,...
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" IT seems absurd that a policy witness should come here to tell us about rail fares, but cannot say what they will be," Mr. J....
THE status of professional engineers employed by the British Transport Commission is to be investigated by a sub-committee of...
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A REVERSION to the pre-nation alization arrangement whereby the railways (now represented by the British Transport Commission)...
F ACILITIES for spray-painting a double-decker in less than three quarters of an hour have been provided at the new Edgbaston...
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C ANAL tolls may be reduced by the board of management of the Docks and Inland Waterways section of the British Transport...
A HEATED exchange took place in the House of Commons last week when Labour members suggested to the Minister of Transport that...
1— X A BRIDGE should be built over the River Tamar as soon as possible, the best available location being to the north of the...
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Hard Thoughts, Hard Words, Hard Knocks for Lancashire Hauliers By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. I N the bars of Lancashire,...
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H AVING lost their appeal (reported in The Commercial Motor on October 15) on a question of law against convictions in a...
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THE number of ultra' lightweight goods vehicles at this year's Cycle and Motor Cycle Show is small. This is mainly because...
V VEHICLES, tractors and trailers constitute a major proportion of the exhibits at the Public Works and Municipal Services...
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By H. Scott Hall M.I.Mech.E., M.I.R.T.E. T HE sizes of vehicle into which oil engines are installed are becoming smaller....
A SAVING in front-tyre wear of 2025 per cent. should be possible by employing hydraulic servo steering, according to a...
E QUIPMENT which considerably extends the scope of the Ahlmann Swing Shovel (The Commercial Motor, September 24), includes a...
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By David Scott i N all those Communist countries sufficiently .advanced to engage in the manufacture of commercial vehicles,...
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T WO-TH1RDS of all road accidents come into the province of highway engineers, who must therefore study and analyse their...
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Unanimous in Doing Nothing T O hear the politicians talk, one would imagine that traffic congestion was like dyspepsia or the...
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by John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. 1 T may not be generally realized that A.B. Scania Vabis, of Sodertalje, Sweden, have been...
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T O enable tests of V.H.F. transmitting equipment to be made under service conditions, the technical-commercial department of...
A NEW publication of Shaw and Sons, Ltd., 7 Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4, "The Law, of Road Traffic," by M. R. R. Davies, can be...
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Charges for a 3-tonner Covering 240 Miles a Week Under Contract : How to Arrive at Profitable Rates for Higher Mileages T HE...
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A FTER a four-day hearing, the Transport Arbitration Tribunal last week reserved decision in the dispute over compensation...
T HE claim that a cab framework based on the use of both steel and light-alloy sections has the advantage over other methods of...
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MOVELTY in engine design appears 1 1 in patent No. 716,802, which comes from C. and J. Redrup, 25 Clifton Road, Heaton Moor,...