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A Clean, Economical and Practicable Substitute for Petrol. 1331 the Editor. We are told that not a few gas engineers were...
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There's c rriorc than gas about gas. That moonlight is the best antiZepptic. Of more lighting fittings for light vans. That...
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Where is the after , the , war magneto to be made ? Are we once again to be dependent on Germany for the supplies of this...
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This Week's Article is Devoted to a Consideration of the 50-cwt. Star Chassis. The Star Engineering Co., Ltd., makers of that...
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A meeting of the Electric Vehicle Committee was held in - London, on the 29th ult., Mr. R. A. Chattock presiding. Dir. E. S....
• Modifications of the lighting regulations are to come into force, for numerous areas excepting the Metropolitan i' Police...
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" The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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There is a wide range of choice in the matter of gas-holders for use on commercial motors. Gas engineers i are of opinion that...
In our issue of the 28th alto., in summarizing Mr. Liggett's paper on experience with coal-gas for driving motorcars, reference...
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Haulage for brewers is generally >needed to be work of an arduous lture. Certainly the result of a ret months work carting...
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"The Work Our Ford Van Does Would Kill a Horse Stone Dead." During the war period many traders, as a result of their having to...
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At a Front-line Field Dressing Station. FRANCE, • • September, 1916. All eyes are glued to their papers for the dramatic...
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Well On the Way to Complete the Thirteenth £1000. First List of Gifts in Kind for the Winter of 1916-1917. The Official Fund...
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or Light Vans. For Owners of Ford Fleets. Big ends will run out even on the best of cars, and the Ford is no more immune from...
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Women Motorcar Drivers for Military Service. [4032] (N.B.).—Women motorcar drivers who are employed by the ' War Department...
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We revive this popular "CM." feature in connection with our "Keep Your Lorry Fit" Series, and offer a prize of ONE GUINEA for...
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Tilling-Stevens Vehicle Lighting Plant. Pilot Fuel-jet Control for Carburetters. Laminated Springs. Cooling Water Supply....