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A IOTHER new and somewhat startling precedent seems to have been created by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority....
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rr HE outstanding characteristic of the 1 Commercial Motor Show , was the attention paid to the driver by manufacturers and...
Entente Cordiale A T a small informal gathering in Chelsea on r -1 Tuesday, three English drivers were honoured by the French...
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Why rend the " light " renters? It is no light matter for them. -, That Britain has to spend to earn and expand before she can...
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BY A SPECIAL, CORRESPONDENT , P ETROL injection may Oust the oil engine for low-mileage vehicles, A leading manufacturer of...
T HE concern of public service vehicle operators about the Minister of Transport's proposal in the Motor Vehicles (Construction...
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M ETHODS by which the railways hope to recapture lost business will be set out in a White Paper which is expected to be...
dragging theirchildren along, searching the streets frantically for coaches to take them home from holiday in Bournemouth....
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DUI - IAN'S camp at Filey, where they had built a special branch line and station, was British Railways' foster child. When...
MR. J. M. DE 0 . 140REER, of Expandite. Ltd., is to visit Belgium and Luxemburg. MR. D. M. DEAR has been appointed director of...
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PA A LARGER engine is now fitted to Morris 5-cwt. vans and pick-ups, the new unit being similar to that used in the latest...
T HE Judiciary Appeal Court in Edinburgh last week rejected the appeal of John Wann, Main Street, Perthshire, haulier, against...
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A PPEALING to the Transport TriPA boned in London, on Monday, against the refusal of the Northern Licensing Authority to add 16...
T HE Minister of Transport told the Conservative Party conference at Llandudno last week that although his -Ministry were...
Cale% Transport, Ltd. Cap. .1: I01. Dir.: S. C. Gale. 22 Ackender Road, Alton. Hants. Sec.: A. C. Abbott. Reg"Ilk,: 27 Ad:ender...
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IT was significant that, on building modern, high-speed roads, the United States invariably had to impose speed limits. On...
THE three luxury coach services run by Northern Roadways, Ltd., between Glasgow and Birmingham, London and Bournemouth, have...
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ROSECUTING for the Northern 1 Licensing Authority before Bishop Auckland magistrates last week in cases in which operators and...
A NEW bearing metal known as Alzen 305, a white-bronze alloy, is being handled by Hill Alzen (Sales), Ltd.. a subsidiary of C....
T HE driver of a farm tractor and his employer were fined at Daventry last week in connection with the use of a drawbar pin,...
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A T a meeting last week between Cllr. Brain, chairman, and Mr. M. J. Miles, secretary, of the national organizing committee of...
A DEQUATE and efficient services fot Corby could best be assured by a combination of their proposed service, the rail service...
D IFFICULTIES in the Selby area following the reorganization and linking of unremunerative routes run by West Riding Automobile...
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PA A SERVICE that will be welcomed by operators of the lighter oilenginecl vehicles who do not have their awn maintenance...
QTATING that facilities for repairing form an important part of services afforded by a garage, the Minister of Town and...
WITH the new high-pressure phasing VY system as now fitted to Merlin injection-equipment test benches, there is no need to...
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H OPE that the Labour Party would call a truce on the present line between State ownership and private enterprise has never...
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Realistic Attitude Adopted by DelegatesWhen Discussing Co-operation, Standard Rates and Need for Better Liaison with M.P.s :...
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Part Two Arthur F. Holt, Liberal, Bolton West H E won the seat for Bolton West from the Labour Party in a . straight fight in...
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E XTRA revenue from fare increasc,s 1 — , granted to Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., in March was, up to the middle of September,...
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I T seems strange now to think of bus services in Durham being controlled from Lowestoft, but 35 years ago this was the case...
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Every day, 185 tons of spare parts leave Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. Extensive use is made of cage bins and fOrk-trucks. T...
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By Alan Smith, F.R.S.A. N 0 punches were pulled by speakers . at the autumn conference of the National Association of...
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Bird • 13y John F. Moon, A.M.1.R.T.E. T HE key to the highly satisfactory overall performance of the new Dennis Pelican bus...
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I NQUIRIES reaching The Commercial Mow show that there is widespread confusion about the use of goods vehicles for private...
A REAR door suitable for vans operating on high-speed schedules. has been patented by Mr. A. Ramsey, A.M.I.R.T.E., transport...
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Assessing an Insurance Claim in Respect of a Vehicle Put Out of Commission After an Accident Involves More than Simply...
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V IBRATION of the pin is the Most common cause of rapid clevis wear, which may lead to premature failure or affect the...
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• TO maintain the cooling system of an engine at the optimum operating temperature is the aim of a scheme shown in patent No....