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19th October 1979
19th October 1979
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Page 1, 19th October 1979

Page 4

The Leyland lesson

e transport industry cannot be insensitive to the dilemma of British yland. While the major issue today touches car — and van —...

Page 5

Ticho training boom begins

FOLLOWING the recent 'announcement that tachographs are on their way in this country, and must be fully operational in two...

Inflation bites at road users

IN 1973 diesel fuel was just 36; a gallon. By the end of 1974 it 56p a gallon, then 8613 in 197'1 and 120p by the middle of...

Page 6

Welcome for Freddie Laker bus operators

TRANSPORT Minister Norman Fowler touched on the Freddie Laker aspect of his proposed new passenger licensing system when...

LT goes for MCW

LONDON Transport has announced that it has ordered another 100 Metrobus double deckers from Metro-Cammell Weymann. This was...

Sir Dan calls it a day

SIR DAN Pettit is to retire as chairman of the Lorries and the Environment Committee at the end of the year. The committee was...

CM test preview

FORD'S Cummins-powered six-wheeled tipper fairly flew around our new tipper test route, achieving the best average speed so...

Page 7

oden cutbacks as rder book bulges

rODENS is to trim its workforce by 406, it was announced last veek. The cuts, says Fodens, were precipitated by the national...

rmans reduce utobahn plans

R THE first time since the r West Germany is slowing wn the growth of its Otobahn-building protamme and projects to build ti...

Redefine picketing says BIM

A NEW definition of legs picketing is being sought b the British Institute c Management. In a submission to Secretar of State...

You need this book

CM publishes in November a book containing about 50 questions and answers on the use of tachographs. We are publishing a...

Page 19

Hoist by its own petard

A TYRE company at Alloa was fined at Falkirk Sheriff Court recently for having a bald tyre on one of its vehicles. The Central...

RR units for NC's Seddons

THE SCOTTISH region o National Carriers ha purchased another seven Sed don Atkinson 400 series trac tive units. In the past...

Running your flee!

"MANAGEMENT of Tram port Fleet Maintenance" is tl subject of a one-week residet tial course at the University s Birmingham next...

Page 20

Registration boom ;lows but imports up

S PREDICTED, the boom in new commercial vehicle registraons is slowing down. The latest Society of Motor Manufacrrers and...

ludapest talks In ATP change

tANSFIGOROUTE Europe, international refrigerated Insport organisation, is to ;cuss possible amendments the ATP agreement on the...

Mercedes production sinking

MERCEDES Benz commercial vehicle production dropped to 239,702 in 1978 compared with 248,100 in the previous year according to...

Page 21

Small firms awards

COMPANIES employing less than 200 people have been invited to apply for a special Export Award for Smaller Manufacturers which...

Economy essential

• SECRETARY of State for En ergy David Howell said tha energy and the efficient use o resources has a vital role t( play in the...

Antwerp groupage

CAVE WOOD has introduced a new groupage service to Antwerp in conjunction with freight agent Kruthoffer and Doll NV. The new...

Page 22

Tad° ideas will be 'a farce' says FTA

HE GOVERNMENT's new roposals for the introduction f the tachograph into some 00,000 British commercial ehicles threatens to...

London traffic review

A FRESH OPPORTUNITY for the review of London's traffic systems was presented at a forum organised by the Greater London...

lacking law change

iE LAW on unfair dismissal and the handling of redundancies Ls been amended to change the period of service for the right to...

Page 23

osy view of plans met with concern

OSY picture of deregulated bus and coach operation was ted last week by Association of District Councils passenger rt operators...

ootle's ew depot

N TIONAL Bus Company su sidiary Ribble has opened a n 0.75m bus garage in Bi 'tie, Merseyside. e new garage is in Hawth rne...

Can't be stopped

FREE PASSES are being used on Edinburgh buses by people who have found a loophole in the system, it was claimed last week. The...

Rise veto

A MOVE to increase bus fares in Edinburgh by 20 per cent was heavily defeated in the Lothian Region transportation committee....

4-speed Voith box for Dennis Dominator

HESTAIR Dennis is no building Dominator buse s with four-speed Voith gearboxes. The trial fleet for Nationa Bus Company's...

Fast singles

On the other hand, Thames down District Council i. taking four Marshall-bodiei single-deckers which will bi capable of a 65mph...

Page 24

Rubber stamps?

THE SCOTTISH Traffic Commissioners have been accused of "rubber stamping" fare increase applications in spite of strong...

Nlational revival

.1‘1 OLD name in passenger unsport in the Swansea area as been revived by National ravel. The Swansea operations of lational...

Page 25

ULLT Glasgow debut for Craven Tasker curtain sider tram

TECHNICAL CRAVEN TASKER Ltd will have on display at the Scottish Motor Show its new curtain sided semi-trailer, which is...

Hi-Lift control panel

EDBRO LTD of Bolton has introduced a new main control pa for its "Hi-Lift" hydraulic equipment for airport vehicles. 1 new...

Page 26

Fodens to end axle Ind gearbox making?

IE PROPOSED cuts in the workforce at Fodens (see page 5) 11 probably mean the end of that company's gearbox and axle anufacture...

luid for winter cold

ERATORS will not need iinding that last year's ere winter caused many blems — not the least of ch was fuel waxing in the nse...

New auto option for SA 400

THE ZF TRANSMATIC gearbox is now being offered as an on-line option on Seddon-Atkinson 400 Series vehicles fitted with Cummins...

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Events overtake LT's best efforts

Noel Villier interviews London Transport bus chief Davic Quarmby on its current prooLems and pr000sed fu -- ure strategies VERY...

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Members' view o the South East

John Darker explores the Kent region and talks to some committee hauliers who are based in is diverse area F YOUR ORIGINS are...

Page 40

!hat 145 is ) against

HAVE operated Leyland les for many, many years they have become so trou)me and the spares in such . t supply we could not...

How wrong can you be?

I HEARTILY concur with CM's editorial of September 28. When Ian Cunningham stated at the recent Confederation of British Road...

Collapsing fuel tanks

I read your item "Running on Air" (CM, August 31, 1979). This article described a friend who has purchased a Talbot Horizon,...

Page 45

Finnish tanker

FINNISH road tanker specialit has developed a novel c assisless vehicle and now 26 ders for similar units have folwed ''off the...

German fuel saver limits engine revs

AN ENGINE REVS limiter developed by VDO for MercedesBenz and supplied as an option on certain maximum weight models, is...

More buses

THE TURKISH government acting to halt the run-down ( the country's public transpo fleets in a move to stabilise it critical...

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Garden of Kent's expanding patch

David Wilcox travels to Kent to see how nat county most famous produce is handled and deliverec —and discovers that ere S more...

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Special builders of the South Easi

Graham Montgomerie s - udies the trailer and body budders in the South East describes the evolution of h eir businesses and...

Page 54

ley go rer BIG

Gregory, chairman of the on and Cornwall area of the d Haulage Association, is )ng those who agree that iness Improvement Group...

bles urned

hough Britain has shown ierica the way with diesel enes for commercial vehicles, 3US has turned the tables by Aucing a car with...

Rags to riches

A man who claimed to have been dismissed by a haulage company six years ago for workrig too hard started in business on his own...

More haste, less speed

Specially built Citroen sixwheeled vans said to be capable of more than 100mph are being used to distribute The Financial Times...

In the money

I doubt whether Ford workers know when they are well off. In addition to average weekly earnings last year of £103.25, the...

Easy way out

Lord Limerick, chairman of the British Overseas Trade Board, has launched a scheme for companies to send shop-floor staff...

No twins, please

- Due to big expansion and double pregnancies," Carousel Holidays, of London, have been advertising for a reservations...

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Kent keeps working

NM the weight problem John Durant is at ne scene as Kent officials wheel out ne weighbridge and check ne loads. Pictures by...

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Peacock red P STU R I NG by politicians o en seems like the courtship ri ual of the peacock. Its t mendous relevance to the p...

Page 76

PEOPLE Giltspur Bullens chief

lemns Pye has moved to beDme the chief executive of le distribution division of .iltspur Bullens Transport ervices. Mr Pye, who...