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Oden Cutbacks As Rder Book Bulges
rODENS is to trim its workforce by 406, it was announced last veek. The cuts, says Fodens, were precipitated by the national !niiineering strike, but have, in fact, been......
Rmans Reduce Utobahn Plans
R THE first time since the r West Germany is slowing wn the growth of its Otobahn-building protamme and projects to build ti extra 6,100-kilometres have een axed. !Under......
Redefine Picketing Says Bim
A NEW definition of legs picketing is being sought b the British Institute c Management. In a submission to Secretar of State for Employmer James Prior, the BIM says ii members......
You Need This Book
CM publishes in November a book containing about 50 questions and answers on the use of tachographs. We are publishing a limited edition and orders will be dealt with in......