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NFC exempt from 5-mile docks limit by CM reporter THE "Who does what?" dock labour row blew up this week with the surprise news...
DRIVERS of heavy goods vehicles which break down will now be able to call on Blue Dart Transport. The company has expanded its...
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AN OPERATOR'S LICENCE, broadly on the lines of the present goods vehicle 0 licence, could soon replace individual psv licences...
I. manager s exam scheme PROPOSALS for the implementation of the EEC's Directive on access to the road haulage profession by...
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\N organisation, called the 7 M Group of Companies, has seen •set up in Sheffield to :entralise the job of equipping rehicles...
FROM the beginning of next year British drivers and crews will be compelled to abide by EEC-type laws on working conditions in...
A BATTLE between rival football supporters travelling by coach at a motorway service station at the weekend has left major...
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ON April Fools Day an order came into force banning vehicles over 2 1 / 2 tons unladen from running through the middle of...
THERE is no question of another vehicle manufacturer becoming involved in the affairs of DAF Trucks By, the ailing Dutch...
Tough times in transport have given operators the incentiv to cut out waste and use their equipment and labour mor effectively,...
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MECCA—the goal for hauliers who want to stamp out horsetrading over freight rates on the Middle East route—is now firmly in...
DRIVING LICENCE endorsements will last longer and so will the licences though they will cost more as the result of two Orders,...
FOR the first time speed-control humps have been introduced on public roads. The experimental site to be selected is an estate...
A CONTRACT hire •syse which will allow greater fle bility in the costing of oper ing road vehicles has bE introduced by British...
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UTISH truck manufacturers e fighting back strongly in e battle for the diminishing < truck market. In the first .months of this...
NEW mechanised parcel st service is being introted by the Post Office at a st of £1.6m. An order worth £200,000 .s already...
has bought an 80 per cent interest in Felixstowe Tank Developments Ltd, a tank farm operator. The diversification into tank...
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A LORRY DRIVER aged 22 was accused at Dumfries Sheriff Court on Monday of causing the death of 10 people in Scotland's worst...
ON MONDAY two new motorway service areas designed specifically for long-distance lorry drivers and coach parties are to be...
HEAD OFFICE of the Freig Transport Association move from Croydon ne month. From October 6 t address will be : Herm House, St...
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.OPER maintenance facilis had to be available before 0 licence could be granted ?ven if the operator inten to hire his...
ASGOW District Council ; approved operation of a on night parking of cornrcial vehicles of 11 tons aden weight and over ex • in...
FRANK Layton, who was treasurer of the FTA for two years, retired last week on his 62nd birthday—and plans to spend more of his...
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d rivers TGWU reply to confederation THE claims made last week by the Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport in a...
mistake cost operator £1,000 WHEN a Kent minibus and coach operator won a contract to carry mentally retarded schoolchildren...
THE DELEGATE confere of the TGWU decided week that no more coac should be introduced on L don bus routes unless ti were worked...
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ippie wife watches husband win is driver competition Martin Watkins ;ST-TIME entry William .ey of Crosville Motor Ser:s won...
THE 1976 vehicle order was described by reference to vehicle type in CM last week. The following is a list of the orders placed...
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A SIX-WHEEL-DRIVE firefighting chassis for high-performance work was unveiled by the Reynolds Boughton Group at a display of...
A WARNING about goods vehicle operators using substandard parts has been made by Seddon Atkinson to the Freight Transport...
AMERICAN truck builder Mack has awarded a contract for the supply of disc brake pads to Mintex Ltd, of Cleckheaton, Yorkshire....
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TEST unit, called the utineer, which will check pneumatic •and electric !s and components of an braked vehicle has been eloped...
PROPOSALS which a year or two ago would have seemed outrageous are now put forward by respected figures on both sides of...
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A profile of this year's Champion driver by John Darker "On the day of the final I was in the right mental state to win,...
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may surprise you to learn t conservationists are ong your readers. The son is that CM contains up date information on risport...
'ew weeks ago you were kind 'ugh to publish a letter iouncing the formation of a :ional Working Party in April '5 to explore...
As the Licensing Authority for the West Midland traffic area in which the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition is held, may I...
by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE SECTION 22 of the Road Traffic Act, 1972, makes it an offence for anyone driving or...
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.aham Montgomerie reviews the Frankfurt Show !, IVECO combine presented greatest number of new and ited models at the...
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Fuel is in the news in the USA just now—and not just the cost of derv. The Department of Transportation, with an air of...
We've all heard the story of the Scottish taxi accident in which 20 passengers were injured. Last week we were able to read...
Are British lorry drivers the softest in Europe ? No, please, I don't want your answers on a postcard, not even polite ones....
After the recent displays of violence by the tiny-minded hooligans who follow some of the major soccer teams, there must be...
Talking about highly priced feet, I've just heard about the Golden Shoe Club and have no hesitation in publicising its...
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by Martin Watkins 'ATEVER course of action 'allowed it seems unlikely bus patronage can be t at present levels without wring...
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Papers from top speakers on legislation, costing, inflation accounting, vehicle specification and labour relations services...
by R. J. E. Dawson Head of Road Freight Division, Department of the Environment ALTHOUGH the title of this paper does not...
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by A. J. West RHM Foods Limited ['HE previous paper, we been given an indication e sort of legislation which ikely to affect...
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by Harold Berry United Transport Overseas Ltd THE NATURE of the road transport industry has changed quite materially in the...
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by R. Ellis British Leyland Truck and Bus Group ELLIS opened his paper examining the basic trans. equation of supply and and...
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by J. E. Mortimer Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service Advisory, Conciliation Arbitration Service was Lbfished at...
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by John Darker, AMBINI THE recent publication of the first phase of BS 4826—Methods of test for complete, filled transport...
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to include Continental haulage. Could you say what is the usual scale of driver's subsistence for such work? There is no...
taxed as a private vehicle both vehicles are, in fact, 'y used for private pur;es? If not, can it be moved a crane (a/so taxed...
continued from page 71 veyor belts. The equipment to scan and direct cartons or packages On a moving belt has been available...
I suspect that greater progress will be achieved when the transport industry itself involves itself directly in the package...
The persuasive transport manager may be able to start off a discussion within the customer company on these lines....